Need help on making loading screen

Hi. I need help for someone to make me an animated loading screen, which fits for all devices. I tried to make it myself, but failed. Can someone help?

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What have you tried, can you show us please?

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I’m pretty sure that there’s tons of youtube tutorials on this topic. A quick google search will do. As for the “fits for all devices” part, you should learn more about UDim2 and scales and offsets. There’s some helpful threads on the forum and the docs too. Lemme list them down for ya.

So it isn’t going away?
And the scaling is wrong on other devices?

Are you using offset? If so you must you scaling and set the it to 1,0 , 1,0

  1. I found a tutorial video for you about the loading screen.

  2. I can offer you official information from Developer Hub about Gui animations

I hope it will help you

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Also you are suppose to put the GUI and script inside replicated first…