Need help to Make a Ban Hammer that can Ban, just with the HD Admin Ban GUI

Hello (I’m new so I apologize for a wrong genre, if that is a problem, please tell me so I can fix it and not have this taken down.)
So I’m making a ban hammer that when you hit someone with it, it can ban them. Now I want to make it open the HD Admin ban GUI but can’t figure out how to get it to activate and also I don’t know what HD’s banning scripts are. + I’m converting the action of saying “:ban” to hitting someone with the hammer. If any one knows how to script that to happen, know which scripts in the loader are the ban scripts, and how to convert saying “:ban” to hitting someone, then please reply below and it will be much appreciated because this is apart of a large project! Thank you!
(Also yes this is a re-post, if it gets taken down I won’t put this up again, though the topic got entirely shutdown for a wrong category.)


Here’s a tip, to know what the UI is called, insert HD Admin, and test the game. In the explorer, expand the players service, expand your player, expand PlayerGui, then try to find the HD gui. And find the ban GUI frame.


I think that I have the UI and some of the ban scripts. I’d have to work on it tomorrow though.


i will still data mine hd admin UPDATE: The ban Gui ONLY seems to show when to player says “;ban” i do have some ideas to make this work 1. inserting the gui via a small script. 2. making it so you activate the ban hammer by saying ban (also opening the gui)


Hmm, can you list your ideas. I’m not a scripter, well I am planning to get into scripting soon, though ideas will help, this is a-part of a giant project Just getting help 1 at a time.


done (3charsissomuchrobloxughugh)


welp i had to cut one out of the mix

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Do you have any ideas to activate the UI at all though. I can probably get a lot done from there. I just need a script that when you hit someone with the hammer it opens the UI with all the scripts and stuff.

Edit: Like basically making the output thinking if the hammer touches someone, then it basically says :ban (name) just invisible if that makes sense.


yes but lemme experiment. i can do cool stuff with scripts.


Ok I will also, sorry for any delayed responses :slight_smile: remember its all in the loader


will be
using an open source ban hammer, but editing scripts. its R6

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Anything yet? (char30whywhywhywhy)


no (3charsissomuchrobloxughugh) most likely going to take a break.

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ok, still working on it, right now im just shortening down what could be important


Lets try this tomorrow. We’ll be more prepared, also that its 2:27 a.m. (for me)

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I could see some flaws with a ban hammer tool used to ban people… hackers would spawn the gear in for themselves and ban innocent players…


That is very correct and by the fact that you could just have a command or gui based on UserId, it would be more efficient and more secure. And if you still wan’t to do this @TheChasingBoy it would require some kind of security for Hacked Clients to stop them from accessing the tool’s path and cloning it to their inventory, and In my opinion I would do that much just for a tool.

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As entertaining as this concept sounds, there’s too many security risks.

One of them being is that an exploiter will easily be able to find a loophole through this and abuse the tool for their lifetime. It doesn’t matter secured your game is. Exploiters will always find a way. On the other hand, a simple GUI that just has a textbox ready for you to type in whoever needs to get banned is simple enough. Though, it can also be easily exploitable too.

I don’t really trust in Kick/Ban systems just because they’re all way too easy to get bypassed by exploiters.


If the tool is handled on the server you should be fine.

To the people saying security risks, this is a part of a large project that WILL have security covering everything. Basically I’m getting certain things made, this is just one that I cannot make. Also its not going in a game, its going in a model. Thanks for caring about the security though :slight_smile: @Jlnxy @DaffyDavinko @Clueless_Brick
and @TheWorstOne_2 its for a model, not a game.
This is the “big thing” its for!