Need help to shape an upcoming game called Visionary

This post is for those who might be interested in contributing to an upcoming game called Visionary which is an RNG-themed game meant for brave players to compete in different game modes across dynamic maps.

We are looking for players to provide us with ideas, suggestions and ways to improve this project of ours, We have been working on this game since July, 21st, 2022

Me and GameVisions will appreciate you’re contribution and we will give you exclusive features which are going to be in you’re datastore forever.

This game will be coming out in alpha after it reaches its 0.9.9 Build.

More information about Visionary > Visionary - Bulletin Board

If you are interested then you can go to our game’s front page and join our DC server group where we have a lot of stuff going on related to Visionary. also, my DC username is tarf_ where you can be invited to our community server or answer your questions

This post is poorly made because of my broken grammar so I’m sorry for that.

Don’t take this post as an advertisement instead, we are just looking for players who might be interested in helping a project go in the right direction.

I forgot to mention, we started this project as a POF-type game and it was called “Visionary Classic” but then we stop working on it as it wasn’t very appealing and so chose to remake the game with a different round system.

And this game is being worked on by 3 indie developers (Kzu_dev, Me, and Ceo_Cheese)