Need Help With a Weapons Choosing GUI/System

Hi everyone!
Is there any way to create a GUI that allows you to choose classes that give you different weapons (i.e. GUI with assault class >> gives AK-47, Pistol, etc.) like with popular FPS games, like the picture below?

(this is from Phantom Forces)

In Phantom Forces, there is a 3D weapon preview that you can drag around and rotate, and buttons that allow you to choose different loadouts of weapons, and then spawn into the game with the weapons from your loadout of choice, and then proceed to fight. If anyone knows, how is this achieved? Thanks for reading!


Well, I’m mainly a UI Designer but iirc you can use a ViewportFrame for this kind of stuff and then maybe store the name of the weapon you’ve selected in a variable? Once you’ve done that I guess you could pull it from a folder with all of the guns and put it into the player’s backpack.


For 3D view you could use Camera and add gun models or, (easier) use viewport frames. To get the gun you could use RemoteFunctions :smiley: That’s all I can think off, hope I gave you idea!


Hi thanks for your reply! Can you please send an example of you GUI idea? I don’t usually use GUIs that much. Also, when using viewport frames, is there any way to rotate and drag the model of the gun with your mouse? Thanks!

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I have never used a ViewportFrame as I don’t really need them, however there are many tutorials on YouTube.