Need help with recreating old neon

is it possible to recreate old neon effect of legacy lighting technology?



any… breakthroughs yet? i REALLY want the old neon back.

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so far I managed to recreate old materials (marble for example), as for neon everything is very hard, it seems to me that I won’t be able to repeat it exactly, only if roblox allows applying blur to materials

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im working on a legacy lighting clone ill release once i finish bugs


this looks very interesting! I’ll wait for news

interesting, can’t wait for this lmao

a comparison

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bottom one is legacy

wow this looks very similar, interesting how you made the black color glow. this is clearly not the standard roblox bloom effect

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what did you use to blur the specific parts?

How is this accomplished? I assume it’s maybe using a hacky technique with the DepthofField processing effects. Either way, this is cool.

You might be able to slightly recreate this effect by using billboard ui’s with a image with the desired glow but this might only work for squares or just spheres depending on what decal you use, plus it might not be that preformabe friendly if you use them everywhere, but im not that sure.

do you mean to draw a glow on an image?