Need help with Zed's Tycoon Kit droppers

Basically, everything worked properly until dropper stopped dropping material. There are one error on output which is this following:


I didn’t touched the script listed on output (the script down below).

local crown = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Crown")

while true do
	local part = crown:Clone()
	part.Parent = workspace.PartStorage
	local cash ="IntValue",part)
	cash.Name = "Cash"
	cash.Value = script.ValueOfDrop.Value
	part.CFrame = script.Parent.DropPart.CFrame -,1.4,0)

It’d be so good to help me as fast as possible. :smile:

Check that Archivable is true, the object can only be cloned if it is true

local crown = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Crown")
crown.Archivable = true

while task.wait(script.WaitBetweenDrops.Value) do
	local part = crown:Clone()
	part.CFrame = script.Parent.DropPart.CFrame -,1.4,0)

	local cash ="IntValue")
	cash.Name = "Cash"
	cash.Value = script.ValueOfDrop.Value
	cash.Parent = part

	part.Parent = workspace.PartStorage
	game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(part, 20)

Sources: Archivable - task.wait - GetService

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Check what @SOTR654 said but also make sure that there is something called “Crown” inside of the ReplicatedStorage as that could be the issue.

Yes archivable is enabled on crown part on replicatedstorage

yeah there are Crown on ReplicatedStorage. I still don’t know how to fix it and I need to launch the game on 2 hours oof

Do a test and verify that Archivable is activated on the server and client, the same thing can happen as this

Are you sure crown isn’t getting destroyed anywhere?

It’s get destroyed when they attain the end of convoyor

I did that but it still didn’t spawn the part and there are this error instead of the old one

Maybe found something, it print the jamy1 (that mean the crown get cloned) but the part.Parent doesn’t want to change into workspace (jamy2 not printed)

The problem seems to be the parent, so I could just make the crown under the map (on workspace) and then cloning it and bring it, that’d work no?

Judging by the screenshot on the left it seems like the error is on line 9? Check the bottom of the script to see if there is a horizontal scrollbar. There’s a chance its some virus

There is nothing, I’ve checked, the game actually seems work so I think it’s just on studio where is not working. Thanks for trying to help by the way the game link is here: [NEW!] Robot Tycoon - Roblox