Need something to build

Hi there I’m trying to improve my building skills but sometimes I just can’t seem to find what to build. When ever I search buildings, all that comes up is skyscrapers and houses. Also how do I find out which style I like. I like low poly and realistic buildings. Should I only choose one to continue on with? And feedback on how you get your inspiration for building things will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Try recreating a small house in the middle of a dense forest. Use as much detail as possible. When building this you must think that it’s a showcase, rather than just a fun activity.
Hope that helped,

P.S. If you do this please PM me with the end result


Hi there. So when ever I try to use a reference for building things I always get the dimensions wrong. Do you know anyways that I could fix this issue?

Use a dummy rig that helps you keep scale. Also try to play test often if something doesn’t feel right. Keep in mind players can change their character’s height.

Well, actually, if your going to focus on either the two, it’s actually depending on what you plan to build. I’d recommend you practice building on something your not really good at. I would also suggest try building in a more smaller scale, similar to practicing, as this would improve your development skills, as you find errors in the way.

Topics like this get brought up often, please search to see if your question hasn’t been asked already. This depends have you tried searching for buildings that your interested in individual builds like for (example: realistic houses, cars, props, weapons, castles ect).

Too find what style you like just experiment it really comes down to that, if you enjoy making realistic builds or a more cartoony look try doing different themes and see which ones you like the most. If your looking for inspiration look at existing buildings, games different locations and see the details it holds, i’d go with what feels right to you.

If your into building (simplistic builds or realistic builds, it’s really “textures, meshes, use of lighting” whatever style your in or wanting to achieve.

If you are bored you should probably go for some lengthy thing that would take a while. The reason why I cant specifically say for you to build something is because. I don’t exactly know what you are good and not good at. And I don’t want to give you something that would be very hard for your type of building skills.