(Needs Maintainer) Nexus VR Character Model [Open Source]

One issue is I cant close the menu around my wrist with the Quest 1

Hi, how would I go about making the arms smaller and physical? (For interaction) Thanks

This may be user error, Roblox/Oculus problems with rotation, or an actual problem that I am not aware of. I can’t get access to any version of the Oculus Quest, so more information will be required for me to do anything.

This isn’t really a Nexus VR Character Model question. I can see why it is being posted here, but it is more of a generic question for Roblox’s characters because Nexus VR Character Model uses the default Roblox character. For scaling, you will want to look at Roblox’s built-in character scaling, and I don’t have any suggestions for arm collisions. Consider posting in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support about “how to make arms collidable”.

Are you aware of any issues with the camera using the 3rd person SmoothLocomotion mode. The camera seems to move opposite to the direction you move your character.

That is a design flaw of the camera. It currently picks a fixed point and rotates the camera 180 degrees around that point. I don’t intend to change the behavior to correct this unless someone has a reasonable solution that won’t cause motion sickness and makes no assumptions on position changes of the character.

Okay thanks, well its hard to play a game when your character that you’re controlling is running off into the distance. I guess if I use Nexus I’ll have to limit it to first person mode. I was hoping there would be a follow mode.

This has probably been stated in this thread before, but I don’t quite feel like manually searching through 106 messages just for a chance at finding the answer.

How do I get the position of the player’s hands?
The reason I ask is because I want to have the regular player model be invisible client-side, since some packages (more specifically the default, blocky one that I use) can obstruct your view a good bit, and I’d like to have custom hands be visible just to your client that are much more compact and customizable, allowing for a cleaner view. These custom hands could also double as the source for interactivity collisions.

So the point is, how would I get the hand’s position?

Nexus VR Character Model isn’t really intended to be a third-person system for long-term use. It was either meant to get a quick look at your character or to do a quick video of you in VR. VR these days is either intended to be a first-person view of a character or a third-person viewer of a large world (i.e. “VR hands” type games).

This has been touched on before but not quite asked. I am assuming for your use cases:

  1. It can be done on the client (server is more complicated)
  2. You need it relative to world-space, not to the camera (Camera is a tiny bit more math, but nothing huge)

If that is the case, the solution is to do what you would do for a normal character:

local Character = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character
local LeftHandCFrame = Character:FindFirstChild("LeftHand").CFrame
local RightHandCFrame = Character:FindFirstChild("RightHand").CFrame

With this, you can actually test outside of VR since it should just work on normal R15 characters.


Oh, that’s actually way simple than I thought. I guess this works since Nexus automatically poses your character, didn’t think about that, thanks!

I have a issue about this, I cannot use the chat keyboard for some reason, does anyone also have a problem about chat keyboards?

Is it possible to do vr without vr?

Why? Nexus VR Character Model attempts to solve the problem of playing in first-person in VR because of the problems of Roblox’s default camera and character. The only problems that really can be solved outside of VR are things like tilting your head, which requires a completely different solution.

I just wanted to say there are exploit scripts that allow you to play without VR.
But the problem is that there are no ordinary scripts that allow you to actually move your arms and head in Roblox Studio

that’s why I’m asking you if there is any solution to change the script that let you play vr but in pc

(Sorry for my english)

I don’t support this use case and don’t plan to. Current VR setups involve a headset and 2 hand controllers, each of which have 6 dimensions (3 positional and 3 rotational). Mapping them to a keyboard and mouse is very impractical. Even if it was practical, there is no way to emulate the VR UI and other quirks of having a head-mounted display. At this point, there is no substitute to actually testing with the actual hardware.

I’m one of those people, none of the Roblox UI works as intended either.
(Vive Cosmos Elite, if you’re wondering.)

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All official roblox ui is broken, mainly the cursor. Trying to edit settings or type into a chat box is much harder or just impossible.
The nexus cm uses official chat ui (probably because making a custom chat ui is a large pain to do).

I searched through the core scripts to find out why this was happening and that best conclusion I could find was Key.MouseButton1Down isn’t getting fired.


Found a solution, but it’s pretty complicated and stupid.

How do i disable the teleport movement. I only want the walking movement enabled.

In the loader script, you will need to modify EnabledMovementMethods to only have SmoothLocomotion.

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