Neon Intensity Property

Neon is a post-process effect whereas transparency is rendered with the scene. What do you mean by “Exact figures”?

As in you can get a decimal figure with transparency, it would be cool if you could get it with neon.

And yeah I was thinking my question was a bit stupid :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, that is exactly what I was saying could be done… It doesn’t seem possible to adjust blur distance, but it is possible to implement a blur transparency. This would solve most of the cases (from my building experience).

That would have the exact same effect as just changing the part’s transparency if I’m thinking about this properly

Except without having the make the part transparent.

Edit: I’ve had to duplicate parts that I want to tone down the Neon for, so that I could make a semi transparent one.

It really sucks when you double 100 glowing coins in a chest, so that they don’t look like the surface of the sun.

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Yes, this is one of the reasons why I wanted this idea!

For my RBXDev office I messed around with lighting properties, and wanted to make a faded light shine through a window, but since I couldn’t use raycasting effects on blocks, I tried using neon. When I tested it, I found it to be really bright, and neon would have been the perfect thing to use.

I thought the OP wanted neon intensity, not a neon transparency. Below is an example of the same thing with two different intensities.

I can definitely see the use for a transparency property though. I agree, many times I’ve had to duplicate parts.


Yes, and you pointed out that it is not performantly smart before I even posted, which is why I suggest this:opMepy.png

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i support that idea (:

Sorry for bumping this back alive, but can we expect anything like this in the future? :relaxed:

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Neon intensity can be adjusted by changing by adding a BloomEffect and changing its size.

But isn’t that just one of those work around ways again instead of the actual feature? :stuck_out_tongue:

Internally, Bloom and Neon are combined as a single post-effect, there are currently no plans to separate them.

Could you just make Neon more intense.

Kind of like forcing per-object bloom? This has so many usage cases.

They’re called “post-processing effects” for a reason.

I’m trying to suggest that we have a bloom object that we can put into things. It’d solve this issue and it’d let us do what we want while still using your existing technology.


I think what @maxvee is saying is that if we have per-object bloom, the post-rendering would require information about the scene rather than just the image, so it wouldn’t be post-processing anymore and it would require significant changes to their pipeline (?)


I think I see what you mean. It applies the data to the pixels instead of the 3D world, and what I want would require 3D world data?

Yeah, it’d require you to know which areas of the image are occupied by which parts

(I think this is the problem at least but then again I’m just trying to fill in the blanks of what maxvee is saying)

This would be perfect for changing neon glow in horror, mystery and even FPS games with adjustable brightness on red dot scopes.