[URGENT] New Ads Manager - 10 Impressions in ~10 hours for R$20,000


Hey developers, firstly I would like to apologise if this is in the wrong category - this seems to be the most fitting option.

Now, lets head to my main issue for writing this: I have just ran a sponsor on the new ADS MANAGER on Roblox, spending around 75 ad credits (R$20,000). The campaign started ~3 hours ago and I have only received 3 impressions.

I’d like to know if this is perhaps data reporting back slowly or perhaps a potential issue which needs to be looked at deeper. This is a great concern for my game as it’s very new and the Roblox sponsors are a vital part of my promotion.

~7 Hours Later

After sleeping, I have woken up to see that the impression count has barely moved - to 10 impressions.

Apologies for the dark image I have a screen dimmer.

27 Hours After Initial Launch

After letting the day progress and the ads process, the impression count has reached a whopping 18. Not 18k, not 18m… just 18. After spending R$20,000.

The ads have been up for 40 hours and are about to finish. They have ONLY JUST started getting a few impressions. We’ve now hit 1,200. Due to this glitch I’ve now missed the whole weekend.

This is disgusting, Roblox. Fix it.

Thanks a lot for reading and I look forward to seeing your replies.



It’s been around 15 hours since the ads initial launch and they have only gained 12 impressions after spending R$20,000.

This bug is seriously disrupting my game and I believe a Roblox Admin needs to get involved.

5 hours later

Update 2

The first day of the ad is almost finished, and I’ve only gotten 12 impressions.

This is a serious issue as I’ve now missed a whole day of advertising opportunity on my new game. This is killing developers who are trying to start out.

Someone notice this and maybe forward to someone who can do something.


Have you tried using Roblox Support with an actual person? That’s what they are there for.

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I’ve sent an email but by the time they reply the ad is going to be over.

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If so, they can still help you long after the ad has been finished, two solutions


Message a roblox admin on the Dev Forum and tell them the situation.


You might have to wait and see if its an Advertisment Bug, i havent used the new Ad System yet (i barely advertise) but thinking about it, roblox is giving you way less than what you paid for.

Also how long is the Ad running for?

Thanks for the reply, I’ll see if I can message a Roblox Admin (did not know I could do this, could you send the names of a few admins).

The ad has been running for over 20 hours and I know its not an impression bug because the visits have not increased since the ad started. For spending R$20,000 you will expect at least 100 visits, I’ve gained around 10 from me and testers joining.

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Haha, its not only you. https://devforum.roblox.com/t/ad-manager-stuck-ads/2789319


It’s been over a day… my ad campaign is half way done.

R$20,000 and 18 impressions in approximately 27 hours.

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Ugh, such a waste of robux. reaching out to a moderator is probably ur best bet with this hope it gets resolved soon!

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I also same situation. They wasting not only our money also time. More than we spent should be rewarded

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I completely agree I’ve missed out on so much potential customers and profits.



After 40 hours after launch, we have ONLY just started getting a tiny bit of impressions.

I have now missed the whole weekend thanks to this glitch. Fix it, Roblox.

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How’s the ad going?


It’s been 48 hours and only 3k impressions. It got a random spike over the past few hours but it’s still way lower than what it should be going up at.

Any response from @Bug-Support or any roblox staff?

Got absolutely no response or answers. Ad has finished with minimal impressions.

The second one experienced this bug. ads that spent 20 credits stopped in only 4 impressions.
Credits returned successfully but it’s just right reward only when my ads impressed “A LITTLE” less than credits.
No one could think that their ads only impressed 4 times for 2 days.

example of different ad spent same credit(first and third one). It actually impressed 120k+ times.
And you can see I experienced this bug 2 times(first and second one)

Roblox should give another reward for wasted time and passed golden term in weekend but they not commenting for it.
I know Roblox support check mine almost after 10 days.
But @Bug-Support not also respond also.
I sent both of them 2 days ago but I cant check what I sent to @Bug-Support . If you know how to check pls tell me

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Maybe try messaging 2 or 3 roblox employees directly like @Hooksmith etc (also if you have socials try that aswell)
Other than that roblox is a platform that has many many shortcomings and in some areas, there’s just nobody there to help you. But I’d be persistent, make this topic (or another one) really big and try to grab attention. Also file bug reports by email and the regular way aswell. Keep us updated!

All the best

Thank you for your support. I also will write here until getting response of staffs.

That bug appeared in yesterday again. It’s third
As your advice, I sent about it to 2 staffs personally.
I will attach what I sent cuz it seem not to able to check the message I sent someone.
Actually I cant check what I sent to @Bug-Support … maybe until they respond someday


----------------- What I sent to staffs -------------------

Ads manager has bug that it only impressed only few times

Actually this bugs appeared 3 times to me also.
All ads few impressed except first one(forth one working for 13 hours already)


Here’s dates of them. Red ones have showed me bug for almost a week it makes my developing so slow and exhausted.

And another one experienced same with me.
You can read detailed progress in there.
Actually credits were returned but it wasted my time and missed golden term in weekend.
And im really not sure that if I make ads again, that bug couldnt happened.

I sent message roblox support 3 days ago but I know they would response too late so I sent it you with replies in website bugs tab also.
If you are not staff for it pls tell me other staffs for bugs of ads manager.

Has ROBLOX acknowledged you at all? What if you directly reach out to support team via email?
