Ad Manager | Stuck Ads

We have started a campaign for every platform for our games launch, each with different ad credit but same cpp and some of them started some not.

The ones we wqnted to start most importantly did not start and this makes the situation very upsetting and hopeless

All ads started at same time which is
12 jan 2024, 12:22am. GMT +5:00 maldives times

And its been 6+ hours.
So the excuse cant be that ads are supposed ro take at least 1 or 2 hours to run, please…

Here is each campaign (The Launch ones)

As you can see plenty of spent and the least important are running normally but the others are not

Expected behavior

All ads run on their time as expected
Requesting this to be resolved as soon as possible since the launch date is very close and we can not afford any errors of such from Roblox platform now at last minutes.

A private message is associated with this bug report


Yeah I’ve been experiencing this too, ads also aren’t even spending close to the budget.


And the fact that it states them as “Active” is even more frustrating and unprofessional by a multi billionaire company…

Yeah it’s annoying, it seems unless they fix it I’ll need to invest double just to get the results I want since it’s not spending all the budget.

Oh i would personally not recommend that believing it will still not do anything and you wasting money (remember once converted to ad credits you csn not convert back so its prettymuch lost money)

Anything anyone? This has been an issue for months now and still no reply? Come on…

My post covers this exact topic, just way worse.

I’m only getting 12 impressions after 20 hours and R$20,000.


Can confirm I’m running into the same issue. I’m running a campaign with multiple ad sets with a lifetime of ~52 ad credits and it started more than 10 hours ago and I’ve gotten 4 impressions and no other data. It’s been stuck like that since the campaign started, but it’s listed as ‘Active’.

Hey, so sorry for the late response everyone, we’re aware of this issue and we’ll update you as soon as possible.

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I’ve also been experiencing the same issue for the past 3 days in a row. However the ads don’t even end up running at all and get 0 impressions. I’m sponsoring with 50 ad credits each time.
I’ve tried to create another ad campaign today and its been 3 hours and still no sign of it starting although showing as “Active”

just curious, are you targeting a specific userbase (i.e. desktop), with a minimum bid (0.01)

Im doing male only (mobile and tablet), all regions and ages 18-24 and 25+. with a 0.02 cpc

okay yeah that sounds broken then…

I’ve been sponsoring with similar settings for around 2 weeks, it was ever since they introduced the no gender option when advertising to users in the EU under 18, not sure if that would have anything to do with it?