New Audio API [Beta]: Elevate Sound and Voice in Your Experiences

TLDR we are getting working radios?? Thats AMAZING since I was thinking about different ways of implementing different frequencies to an Air Traffic Controlling system

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I was hoping this update would allow developers to synchronize audios together. So far the behaviour is the same as with the old system.

Please make it so we can play audios reliably in parallel without fear of desync when pausing, resuming and changing timeposition.


Just send the microphone input and mix it with some breathing sound effect, put it through an equalizer to make it sound more muffled and you should be good.

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I was trying to figure out some work arounds for this for my game but this api will really help!

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Is there any way to have an infinite or very large roll-off distance? I really don’t like how roll-off is handled seemingly behind the scenes with no way to control it, using an audiofader still doesn’t allow for someone to hear a sound from a large distance, and having to adjust an audiofader every tick for attenuation really doesn’t seem right.


I love this! It works very well and the new sound effects and instances give me much better control over my game’s soundtrack. I just have one issue, though:

How do I fix this error? It works just fine in Roblox Studio…

local function cleanUpNewAudio(audioTrack,duration,targetVolume,Stop)
	local audioFader = audioTrack:FindFirstChild("AudioFader")
	if not audioFader then
	local tween = TweenService:Create(
		audioFader,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear, Enum.EasingDirection.In),
		{Volume = targetVolume}
	if Stop then
		audioTrack.IsPlaying = false
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You should use audioTrack:Stop(), IsPlaying is a read-only property that just determines if the player is playing a sound.


no, I intended it to hear myself, i just can not hear anyone else in a published instance

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As I’ve been going through the Audio API, I’ve become curious about how AudioDeviceInput.AccessType will work. Note that I am aware of the known issue that was brought up in the original post:

However, since neither the AudioDeviceInput.AccessType nor the AccessModifierType pages on the Roblox Creator Hub currently have completed documentation as of writing this post, I was wondering if anyone has any insight as to how it might end up working.

Based on the example use case of team-chat that was mentioned in the original post, I assume that AudioDeviceInput.AccessType will make it easier to decide if audio should be transmitted through any connected wires (swapping between “Allow” / “Deny”) without needing to manually disconnect or reconnect wires?


Yes! Not to mention that the current implementations large fixed range of 0-24khz makes it difficult to render frequency visualizers for music with a fair amount of resolution in the most interesting spots. While it is cool to see all the overtones of an instrument span the higher frequencies, the most visually striking - and therefore desirable area to visualize - resides on the lower end of the 24khz range.


Are there any plans on integrating volumetric audio into the new audio API? I have a few projects that rely on volumetric audio, and it would be a useful addition.


Awesome update. Great job, Roblox is really shaping up and evolving greatly.

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Pretty good update I can say, it will come in handy for my game


LOL, what was that photo supposed to mean


HUGE update. super hyped for this


That’s to crazy booooooy :skull: :face_with_spiral_eyes: :heart_eyes_cat:



I think it’s because it’s in beta so means you can’t use it on your phone yet?


Finally a good update, is it also available for mobile users as well?

There shouldn’t be any issues with mobile users. If you encounter anything, please let us know!


DM me, would love to hear more!


Greetings Creators! There are a few updates since we posted last week:

  1. AudioDeviceInput.AccessType now replicates correctly.
  2. We are aware of a crash that may occur when voice-enabled experiences approach the max server capacity limit of 50 players. Please ensure that you test your experiences’ servers with many players before going live.
  3. We will be temporarily disabling AudioAnalyzer:GetSpectrum while we investigate an issue. We’ll re-enable this after reviewing and optimizing its capabilities & performance.

We will update this post when we resolve these issues. Please keep your comments coming — this is a beta, and your feedback helps us address what you find faster!


Experiences above 50 Players stopped enabling the Microphone for me anyways. But not that fast I was able to like set it to 51 and have Microphone for a while until rejoining, idk.

But but but
why does the AudioEqualizer only have a MidRange, but no HighRange and LowRange.