New Beta Feature: LevelOfDetail Property for Models (Enabled Globally)

You are right, I can disable it. Although it still seems like a waste of Memory Usage to load parts that shouldn’t load with StreamingEnabled turned off (since anything with transparency set to 1 doesn’t show up at all without StreamingEnabled), even at low detail. Additionally, in the case I got too many of them and not grouped properly or I forget to group some in a large-scale map, I would have to manually find them, go over them and disable them which in this case is a waste of time on my part :man_shrugging:

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The idea is good, but the LoD needs improvement.

Additionally, I think streaming as a system needs some attention currently. This and pre-streaming are nice, but Streaming still has very clear fundamental issues which make it difficult and time-wasting to use - i.e. a lack of part stream-out control, and no atomicity among part collections streaming in or out. Developers have been asking for basic control since its inception several years back.


Are you modeling these remote buildings using large simple boxes? One box for each building?


Each building is composed of a single large block in the middle, and several frame blocks on the outside. The frame blocks are not the issue though. Testing on an empty baseplate, large individual block parts create a similar strange LoD.



Interesting, I’d see a lot of usage for this!
:thinking: I guess it’s meant for small models though?

I did a little test here and it went pretty wild.


Hello, I’m interesting in knowing what does Terrain LoD mean. Thank you!

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It means Terrain Level of Detail (meaning things farther away reduce in quality for performance reasons) but you could have found that out with a search


Question regarding this feature after enabling it on my game. Isn’t this supposed to lower the quality of an asset once it’s outside of the rendering radius? I implemented this on an open world map but everyone is starting to lag due to the fact that any assets that the players load by getting close enough, keep the same quality. Eventually they load almost the entire map so the only difference that I see with this is that the game isn’t laggy right off the bat but gets laggy the more you play and explore the map.


Before the asset is close enough:

Once it’s in radius:

Finally when you get far away again it stays the same:

Now my map has a bunch of thousand of assets so if that happens to all of them it obviously ends up causing lag. Is this feature meant to work like this or some kind of bug?


Got your point. Even a model is completely streamed in your local device, to improve rendering performance, you prefer to see the model in lower quality once it moves outside a rendering radius.


How should this work ??? I don’t get it :frowning:



Testing in Studio:

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Click workspace > Go to properties: image > Scroll down till you find this: image
Then just play around with the MinRadius and TargetRadius till you get the result you want!


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