As some of you (I told some people in the RBXDev Skype group) may have noticed, the Chat CoreGui was updated! And guess what… We have WHISPER CHAT! Now, here comes the problems: How the heck do you exit whispering? :uhhh:
Notes on whispering;
[li]Clicking someone’s name in the chat makes you whisper them.[/li]
[li]When you whisper, your name will be blue in the chat bar (couldn’t easily take a screenshot of this)[/li]
[li]When the whisper target leaves the game, you become your own whisper target (and does NOT exit whispering)[/li]
[li]You cannot whisper to yourself (this should be self-explanatory)[/li]
I have tried several things, including the new slash commands, typing /quit, /stop, /talk etc., but nothing happened. So I am wondering… cause trouble for new users?will cause trouble for new users?
[li]You can no longer chat messages starting with ‘/’ (notice; Person299’s chat commands, other game commands)[/li]
[li]When unfocusing the chat bar and whispering, the text from the whisper overlaps the catchphrase-label[/li]