New constraint Make certain characters (usually with non blocky avatars) shaking when their are dead

I used a ragdoll script from Ragdoll Solution -- R15/Customizable ragdolls for use with Layered Clothing and checked the scripts and everything seems to work great.

It works on defualt Popular ROBLOX avatars like the blocky one, 3.0 male and female But when i tried it on other bundles it started to shake the parts and move the characters

I set the collisions so it wont collide with itself.

I removed all motor6Ds from the characters.

Place1 - Copy.rbxl (168.0 KB)

this is the place. after running wait ~5 seconds to a script to kill the humanoids

Expected behavior

I expect the constraints to not move the character while its dead.

it looks like there are some internal collisions causing the instability. you can see the contact normal pointing sideways here…

So i guess its the character that is causing the issue not the constraints. since they both use the same script.

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