New "Dev Chat" Plugin

It’s not made to be a “competitor” its something a little different a chat in studio, if you are in the middle of something and want help or just to chat without leaving studio

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I’d never had to recall ever not leaving studio to get help?
And if I’m working with a team and I need help, Discord or the current Studio Chat would suffice.

I don’t see a use in this for me since you have so many alternatives to the Studio team chat, but might be useful to someone else.


This looks super cool and like a lot of fun!

Yeah no thank you


its obfuscated so when people open the plugin as you just did… they can’t steal it…

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I kinda got a déjà vu right now…
DevChat | Communicate using Roblox Studio - Resources / Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox

I’ve never seen this I guess I didn’t do this first

I am hosting the servers on my end and all of the data is sent and reciveved there.

People shouldn’t be installing obfuscated plugins - it’s a huge trust issue.


Dude its Awsome! how did you made that! are people allowed to take that?

Totally understandable, but we need to find a way to keep our external APIs keys secure. While obfuscating isn’t the best option as it still can be bypassed we just did that for now. I know you have messed around with APIs and stuff in the past so if you would like to message me on discord I would be more than happy to talk.


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Not really a good selling point.

  1. This causes trust issues
  2. This category is meant for open-source assets, not obfuscated open-source assets

Then implement a different and more secure (send-and-receive, etc) method of communicating with your servers. This isn’t a good excuse for hiding the plugin source. If anything, upload the source to GitHub and remove the API keys if you can’t do what I said above.


Can you message me on discord I would love to talk


I no longer use Discord, you can PM me if you’d like to discuss this.

Yeah this is a team create chat ours is a cross-game chat

I was primarily talking about the name. Would you be so kind and change it to something else?

Honestly, the concept itself sounds cool, but it just seems far too suspicious. The code is obfuscated, so no one can verify it’s secure, and there is no explanation of how it can communicate between two different studio instances, especially considering they’re not connected in any way. If this uses an external server, that’s something that should be clarified, and it shouldn’t be obfuscated for a plugin that can allow the creators to see each player’s IP with each request to an external server.

Overall, sounds like a cool concept, but it’s just missing a lot of key details that people need to actually understand what’s going on in the plugin…


They communicate through the external server (Which is likely to log chat messages). I agree, obfuscating the code wasn’t the best decision.

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If it’s something that is widely used by developers, security only makes it hard to tell what exactly the plugin is doing. It really shouldn’t be obfuscated, especially with such a lack of information of how exactly it works.

I agree with you on this and I am working on securing my API keys so our code can be open-sourced without leaking the keys. We use the keys to prevent people from accessing and spamming messages our corrupting data, etc.