I’m excited!
Looks great so far!!!
This is exciting! Here’s a couple ton of feedback points from a big fan Thank you @24RightAngles and @iriszh for the excellent work.
Graphs are fantastic. Can it be made possible to show more than one graph at once? If so, can we have an expand/contract-all button?
Interpolated values are cool and all, but unless the value was actually measured I don’t think it should be displayed. It should at least snap to measured values, as I can’t mouse over exactly the time I want with it constantly changing (speaking of - a pause button would be appreciated) Below is an example - I’ve moused over between two discrete values. I guarantee you that at 21:08:17 that 14.115 wasn’t measured, the design should not suggest as such.
I can’t seem to test this at the moment myself, but can you speak to how this new developer console will measure up performance-wise with the current one? Should we expect better performance? For example, if I’m opening the console to 300+ messages of different colors, will this one be faster or slower? I’m concerned the images for yellow warnings and blue info will slow things down - in the past many messages would cause a full 0.5s to 2s frame drop.
I’ve noticed that if a Script connected to RunService.Stepped (or similar) throws errors each frame that the new console freezes Roblox entirely. The old one slowed things down but didn’t cause similar freezes. Perhaps there should be a graceful way to protecting a debugger from such error spam.
Server command-line
Why is this not monospace yet? It’s code. Make it monospace, please! I can understand the argument to keep the logs the same font, but nobody in the right mind writes code in non-monospace fonts.
The server command-line has lost the up/down history functionality. Previously, it was possible to re-run commands already run by going up/down like in an actual terminal window.
When I select the server command-line, the field is cleared. This makes it not possible to copy and paste multiple bits of code into one line. This is especially annoying because of #1. (This is the same behavior from the original dev console, but I think it is due for a change.)
Shift-enter ough to permit multiple lines of code.
The logs are in a smaller font
yet have more line spacingthan the original developer console. This makes things more difficult to read while showing lessCorrection: It seems the line-by-line spacing is the same for contiguous messages (i.e. ones with \n), but there’s more spacing between individual prints and the font is definitely smaller.
“Search” should be renamed to “Filter”, since that describes its functionality more accurately. Search implies my results may be ordered by relevance.
Commands input via the server command-line ought to appear in a different color to differentiate them from printed statements. Perhaps grey would do well.
Red error messages are hard to read since the color is different and the background isn’t as opaque. I also think red critical errors deserve an icon and the not-so-critical stack traces can do without an icon.
Anyway to access this without using the chat?
I don’t believe so as the developer console is still in beta and is being tested at the moment as it is unstable. Currently, it’s only accessible through the chat on desktop so that it doesn’t interfere with the current developer console.
Beware, having both the old and new developer consoles open will cause your server command-line to run twice.
Hoping this resolves the problem of output messages hurting performance.
I am unable to open this by running the chat. Is it public for anyone to test now?
It won’t work in places with a custom chat or that override the chat scripts with an older version.
Would that include using custom chat tags like [DEV]?
Possibly, I don’t know since I don’t have the source in front of me. Try a place where you haven’t edited the chat at all.
Yep. Just tested it in a different place. Works now
can we have the same server-script execution functionality we have in the current one, except make it so clicking on the box doesn’t clear it
Stats Graphs
In-game is fine, but I get this in the output every time I load a game in Studio:
Tested on empty baseplate. No plugins enabled and default flags…
A great upgrade to the developer console.
However, none of the elements are set to Modal to my knowledge, as the mouse is locked if you’re using it on a first person only game.
Other than that, it seems great!
Edit: Just realized my game’s Client Memory usage is 505 MB. Is this too high or is it average for a Roblox game? I’m nearing half a gig of usage here. A bit worried about that to be honest.
Been waiting for this! Didn’t really like the old dev console layout! Thank you!
I like the new features, but the design could really use some work. It doesn’t look very good. It lacks proper use of padding/spacing, and is generally inconsistent. Random guis use outlines, while others, like the tab bar, use a similar style to the escape menu.
I think the entire thing should use proper padding and a consistent similar style to the escape menu.
Then again, it’s just appearance, so it’s not very critical or important.
Doesn’t work in my games, unsure of why that is. I’m a beta tester too.