I just released a new hangout game on ROBLOX and everything’s been going well - however as soon as I joined the game a moment ago to check on my moderator’s, there’s a massive amount of lag. I check dev console as usual when something suspicious is happening, and I see this:
The errors will NOT stop occurring - the lag stopped, but the reports continue to be going through as if somebody is using a remote event exploit to spam the system? I’m not even sure how to approach this one.
Are those using the Roblox “Report Player” thing to report players? If that’s the case, I doubt a suspicious script is at fault.
I haven’t seen what that looks like in the dev console though, I’ll go test it now on an alt or something to see. But I have reported myself in studio before and I got a different output message. Maybe it’s different in game?
Seems like a weird problem, does it happen every server?
This is very, very strange. I have never heard of something like this. It seems like someone is somehow spamming reports. I thought there would be a cooldown on this, though. If it is not reporting, the only thing it could be would be a backdoor, or some sort of remote event that has a security flaw.
Only one server up - so I can’t exactly answer that question.
My only concern is the message is in blue, so I believe it is a ROBLOX server message? However, there’s no way it should be sending it ever .2 seconds
@t0tally_cool I don’t believe I have any exposed remote event’s that could lead to that, and I use rodefender - along with that already replaced most of the free models my game had used when I “rushed” to release it. Definitely a very concerning situation here.
That’s not normal to see 30 abuse reports posted over 2 seconds. An exploiter is probably afoot.
Also, that’s not a backdoor. I’ve occasionally seen this in the console log of my own games, and I do a pretty good job keeping backdoors out, so it is the legitimate abuse report system printing that.
Not sure if this is worth posting as an engine bug, so figured I’d tag the exploit_reports team. Not sure what else this could possibly be, besides a ROBLOX engine exploit.
I was just in your game to see how it was for me. I was not lagging at all nor did I see anything in the console. The reason I did not see the console messages is probably because I do not have edit rights or anything like that. But, I was definitely not lagging. I would also recommend this backdoor finding plugin. It goes a litter deeper than Ro-defender. (If your PC can handle it change the settings so it does not randomly wait to prevent lag. It takes forever otherwise.) The Plugin
As I said - it lagged at first, then the lag stopped but the errors continued. So I’m really not sure what to take from it, besides it really messes with me trying to see any important errors.
And yes, the errors are in the server - not client, so you wouldn’t be able to see that.
I’ll check out that plugin, but I’m rather positive it has nothing to do with a backdoor / virus, especially since it’s a ROBLOX notification.
This is 100% from Roblox’s report system. The issue here is that someone found out that there is no ratelimit to making these reports. There is likely some sort of calculation or event that causes lag when fired a bunch of times.
These aren’t errors - it’s just basically a different print function. (TestService:Message() to be more precise)
There’s not much you can do other than filing a bug report in #platform-feedback:engine-bugs, as this is beyond the developer’s ability to control.