New fonts are live!

Finally! More fonts to choose from. I was getting tired of the same old fonts, haha.

May I recommend adding ‘LEMON MILK, LEMON MILK BOLD, LEMON MILK MEDIUM, LEMON MILK LIGHT’, ‘cheri, cheri liney’, ‘fresh coconut’ and a few more fonts in that style to be added into the next voting event? I realize a lot of players use that style, it’d be nice to see and use that in game!


I wrote small script to get fonts with Cyrillic support

The script

local TextService = game:GetService("TextService")
function checkFontCyrillicSupport(font)
	local sizes = {}
	for i, text in pairs({"САХАР", "CAXAP"}) do
		local succ, v = pcall(TextService.GetTextSize, TextService, text, 14, font,,10000))
		-- it can fail, because of Unknown mostly
		if not succ then
			warn(`[{tostring(font)}] {v}`)
			return false
		sizes[i] = v
	return sizes[1] == sizes[2]

function checkFontsCyrillicSupport(fonts)
	if not fonts then
		-- for your needs
		fonts = Enum.Font:GetEnumItems()
	local lists = {Cyrillic={},Latin={}}
	for _, font in pairs(fonts) do
		local isCyrillic = checkFontCyrillicSupport(font)
		table.insert(isCyrillic and lists.Cyrillic or lists.Latin, font.Name)
	return lists

	for i, list in pairs(checkFontsCyrillicSupport()) do
		print(`\n# {i}\n{table.concat(list, ", ")}`)



Legacy, Arial, ArialBold, SourceSans, SourceSansBold, SourceSansLight, SourceSansItalic, SciFi, Arcade, SourceSansSemibold, Gotham, GothamMedium, GothamBold, GothamBlack, AmaticSC, Merriweather, Nunito, Oswald, Roboto, RobotoCondensed, RobotoMono, Ubuntu


Bodoni, Garamond, Cartoon, Code, Highway, Fantasy, Antique, Bangers, Creepster, DenkOne, Fondamento, FredokaOne, GrenzeGotisch, IndieFlower, JosefinSans, Jura, Kalam, LuckiestGuy, Michroma, PatrickHand, PermanentMarker, Sarpanch, SpecialElite, TitilliumWeb, Unknown


Test game: [Fonts test] Cyrillic support - Roblox

You see, not every font does have support for Cyrillic.
Idk what the reason, but since the last edit nothing has changed… Well you can use much more verified fonts from toolbox now, but default are still the same.

The issue also mentioned by @TheGoodRobloxian123, idk it’s just a credit


No comic sans? I’m disappointed.


TwoHat does detect swear words even if the letters are separated (or over multiple consecutive messages).

Comic Sans is a copyrighted font, Cartoon is the closest you’ll get.


Looks Wonderful! Luckiest Guy is definitely my favourite font after some testing, will be great to see what we can do with it! Support for .ttf fonts would be nice, but good to see new updates like this!

Just what we needed. Fonts have been oversaturated a lot (looking at you Sci-Fi) and it’s nice to see some changes within the usual fonts.

As for actual custom font support, that would be the dream, though I understand the limitations of such a feature.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Feedback - Like Instead of Reply

Absolutely adoring these additions. Looks so clean!


Maybe a Font library where it could be moderated and costs robux to publish custom fonts for use similar to uploading a custom audio?

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strange idea…
you can easily make/find module and load tile with alphabet in, why Roblox should make that you can make yourself?

Hooray, it is finally officially released!
I’m now just waiting for proper RichText in TextBoxes so people can type in multiple fonts at once (similar to Microsoft Word)!

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It’s fair to say, “almost”, if not nobody… can actually product their own fonts in the roblox community,
it would be filled by contents that are not of their properties or authorization.

for your information, you can actually upload your own custom font already, although extremely tricky.


RichText with multiple fonts in a single string is already a thing, unless I’m mistaken.

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That is incorrect. There are different teams working on different features, so the team working on fonts has nothing to do with videos, for example.


I love all the new fonts! The only suggestion I would make is to have the font drop down be bigger. A lot of the new fonts’ titles are long and cannot fit. Otherwise, wouldn’t change a thing!

Yeah, but you cannot use RichText in a focused TextBox as it shows the raw XML instead of the actual text.

TextBox has a RichText property as well, that you can enable, but it wouldn’t work great, because the result only shows when the tags are valid, with opening, and closing tags.

I’m pretty sure you can get away with this, with scripting. #anythingispossible

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nice i always wanted new fonts, but can you like make the font selector their actual fonts so we can see it without trying it out ?

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Awesome Update Guys! But I think you guys should also add support for uploading custom .ttf files, it would allow more customization. You guys can add a folder in asset manager named “Text Fonts” and you could upload your custom text fonts there.