New fonts are live!

my lifehack: write “font” on search, focus on list of fonts and start scrolling.

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I was getting bored of the usual fonts, then when I opened up studio a few minutes ago to work on a GUI, I noticed new fonts. Didn’t even know more were going to be added but I love it. Thanks!

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Awesome variety!

But alas, I am awaiting for these other features to release as well:

  • TextScaled for RichText.
  • Support for Typography elements. (Ex.: paragraph styles, automatic hyphenation where text is getting cut off from the border, indentation button, ect…)

Hi all,
We updated the Font enum page to show examples of all fonts, so it’s much easier for your future reference. :slight_smile:


You should maybe consider adding pricedown (font most famously used in the logo for Grand Theft Auto), it’s a very common font and would be useful in many applications.

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I don’t think they should do that, because a font that someone used could be copyrighted.

They can simply moderate the fonts before letting the upload

You’re actually expecting moderations to know all existing fonts ?
Cause they sure won’t know about 3D Models (UGC), considering “manual approvals” managed to let quite a few stolen models that are easily available in Asset markets.

so, not so simple, in contrary to you defining it as “can simply moderate”.

I Like the new Luckiest Guy font It looks great!


I like AmaticSC font cause it looks like the Among Us title screen font

This is a great update, but I wish we were given more control with TextLabels.

Typography is a important visual aspect for our game and marketing, and it’s hard to attracts players where we don’t have the capabilities of controlling our own typographic elements. An example of more control could be: paragraph indentation, paragraph alignment choices, hyphenation for words that are going to the next line (TextScaled or not).

These are great features and all, (like RichText,) but frankly I just don’t have a use for them.

Here’s me attempting to creating attractive typography with Roblox’s limited controls on TextLabels:

Hope this gets added on within the future.

Good feedback, appreciate the example.

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Yes, for me it‘s like: What‘s the point of having custom, limited, fonts if instead we could choose and use all the fonts we want? Still it‘s good this update, again thanks Roblox.

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