Hello Everyone!
Hi everyone, I just finished some development of my new game that’s out & I wanted more people to see what I have been working on! Giant Noob Attack - Roblox ^^^ Giant Noob Attack is becoming a great game for people to battle noobs & talk more with each other, please come check out my new game.
Thank you for reading!
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This is great for a start, but I have a few things that would really put your game over the top
Different difficulties
When I played, I had a lot of fun, although it eventually got kind of boring and repetitive. Every noob had the same exact walkspeed, and dealt the same amount of damage. Id make it so when a player first joins the game, they are given the option to go in 1 of 3 modes:
Easy = Noobs walk at 11 speed and deal 50 damage.
Moderate = The current game-mode.
Hard = Noobs walk at 19 speed.
I would also put in a KO to WO leaderboard. Theres an official version you can get from the toolbox by Roblox, linked here.
Different maps
Currently you only have one map in the game, and, adding on to what I said at the beginning of the game getting repetitive, I would make different maps, and change the map every 5 minutes or so, so players can get some variance in their gameplay.
Other than that, great job, and keep up the great work!
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The game has nothing to it, it’s boring, you have a rocket launcher and you’re suppoed to shoot at the “noobs” this won’t be a front page game, just the idea is boring. Try making a new game, new style.
Why would you think i would just give up, im gonna do anything I can, i have high hopes for my game.
Thank you, but is it okay if i can get some help on it, im still learning about the stuff on roblox studio & its not a 100% complete where im at.
Im not that much of a scripter myself.
It’s just a suggestion… 30 chars