New gfx made by me (haven't posted in a while)

new gfx I finished yesterday, let me know what you guys think!


i think its very good. i like it alot except background too bright 9/10

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yea its really cool, though I agree with what Ice said about how the background is too bright.


A bigger watermark maybe? Someone could easily steal that.

the overlays match really well with it, clothing textures make it really nice, great text glow, but i still agree on the background. nice work overall

I agree, I think that where the sun is shining through you could darken that.

Great Idea, I think that a bigger watermark would be great, they could easily crop it and take it. Maybe add one that goes all the way across just to make the opacity low.

I love the detail and the quality though.

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There actually is NO watermark that is his, because it is completely unnecessary in this case, since the GFX is a paid commission catered to a specific group, stealing it would be pointless. The entirety of the text on the logo is the name of a group, that “Zeus” owns. Stealing it would not make sense for any other group.

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There’s a little handwritten “Slap” watermark in the bottom right corner :slight_smile:

thats the style but thanks!!!

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thats the style but thank you!!

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the bright background is the style, but thanks!

Oh yeah didn’t catch that, either way a larger one as many people are saying, is quite unnecessary as it is still pointless to steal something that is quite literally branded with the name of someone else’s group.

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My watermark is there to show who made it. On the other hand, “Zeus_Heikler’s” is there to show who owns the GFX now. Easy explanation : D !



Hello, I’m in a really big need in really cool icon you able to help?

I need it for my Ro-playing game

My Ro-playing game is about a air force base!

its called " Northwood Military Role Play "

I think it’s very good, so nice

Looks really good!

I would make the background a tiny bit darker or, use god-rays to help blend the gfx together.

Also, consider adding some dust particles on the ground or something. That will really tie the viewer into the scene! (Don’t add so much dust that it distracts from the gfx)

Aside from that, this looks really great and you should be extremely proud of what you’ve created! :smiley:

Dang, looks good! The first guy is not holding the handle to the gun. Other then that, I like it!
EDIT: Oh wait nvm, it’s the ammo. Still looks kinda odd