New GFX that I made for a cafe game

I made a new game icon for a cafe game, any feedback please? :smiley:


Very cute icon, I love it. But I donā€™t think a beach background fits a cafe type game.


I love it! Itā€™s adorable and it looks great.

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Doesnā€™t look bad! I suggest putting 2 eyes on the donut though, will add to the cuteness :wink:


Looks great! The text is easily legible and it has nice artwork.

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I love it! What was this made in?

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To make this I used Pixlr E and Pixlr X. They are both really good apps to make game icons. :+1:


Wow, really good! I like the simplicity and the background of the game behind the icon!


Hello! Iā€™m a very experienced 2D designer and Iā€™ve seen an extremely common error in many other GFX designs: the consistency

I donā€™t know if you made the drawings of your icon; but hereā€™s what I mean:

You always should try to use the same size of pencil and outline on all the pictures that you draw; or at least trying to do so. The only exception could be the text that needs to be eye-catching and it can be a bit different from the rest. Also; the background have the same problem; it doesnā€™t really match with the rest of your image.
I would also give you the advice: If someone ever commission you; you SHOULD NOT use any google images (maybe just for reference is ok); because if your customer finds out that you used free images, he could be really angry and rude at you.
I currently use Photoshop to work; but I also started using Pixlr (even before there were two versions [Pixlr E and Pixlr X]) and really think you could do better if you keep practicing.

Overall; itā€™s a really good job; you just need to practice and keep gaining experience. Hope it helps!

  • Dvd :wink:

Thank you for your suggestions and feedback. I never even noticed the different outlines and how un-balanced it could make the picture. And yes, I did find these from google because I donā€™t have a drawing tablet yet. Again, thank you for your feedback. :slight_smile:


No problem. Also; you would like to know that you donā€™t really need a grapic tablet to create amazing drawings! If you check out my portfolio you will see (in my opinion) really high quality drawings that I made with only my mouse! But if you still want to get a graphic tablet I would suggest you to buy a Huion tablet! Theyā€™re pretty good and cheap!

Sounds good, Iā€™ve already tried making some sticker PNGs on Krita, is it a good website to make transparent stickers on?

Actually Iā€™ve never tried out Krita; but I heard it is really useful for many artist. I think that any website/software you use will be ok if you put your best effort in your works!

Do you have any recommendations on any websites to draw on?

Maybe we should continue this conversation on PMā€™s

I think it looks good! It really caught my eye.

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I love it! It definitely catches ones eye! Keep it up

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Looks super cute, but I would change the background to fit the LOGO.

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I mean paint . net is the best and free for artists. Also if you download some plugins its really cool.

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Was about to comment about the consistency, just as @DavidNet22 pointed it out already.

Take the strokes of the images for example: The text has a thick white stroke, yet the cup (?) and the cat-cupcake have their own different outlines. From my first impression, the images looked like they were taken from the internet and simply placed together.
I think that by making the styles consistent, the clip arts will ā€œconnectā€ and compliment each other as a whole graphic rather than a collage of individual elements. Specifically, if itā€™s included in your editing program, try adding a Layer Stroke.

Tying back to the consistency, I recommend utilizing a limited color palette. Hereā€™s a site I use a lot for color palettes. Color palettes are powerful in communicating a group/brandā€™s concept and personalityā€“using them well can easily raise quality in any graphic. So while the clip arts and text are predominantly pink/purple/beige, Iā€™d change the background to use the same colors too. But this one is a rather subjective opinion from me, and in the end what you choose to make it look like is entirely up to you.

Otherwise, I find the graphic really cute and easy on my eyes. Hope you can find this useful!