New Group Details Page is Live!

Much better than the old one but it just feels too open and big, could be fixed by making it more compact

While I do love the new design, I think that the “description” along with “social links” should be up at the top along with other group info like the logo, member count, and user rank. Below that it’d make sense to have the tabs, the group shout, then group games, and lastly its’ members. I feel like the wall should have it’s own tab alongside “About”, “Store”, and “Affiliates”

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I just now realized that ads on the group page were removed, this is terrible, now we are going to get so many less views. Don’t know if this is purposeful or they forgot, but I think they need to be added back.


I also noticed the change as soon as it updated, I remember refreshing the page a few times, then suddenly seeing a wildly different group page.

I like the new layout though! Very modern and cozy.

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I agree with you. The layout feels so cool and modern!

I really like new design. Also its really good that now you can see group games on phones.

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I really like the new group design it is way better then before keep up the good work!


Also users with payout permissions (other than the owner) can’t payout in group admin.


I appreciate the change, the design is better and it will help players to find store, games, and allies more easily!
I also think it’s better to remove clans, Now it look less complicated.

There’s a minor bug on the new group details page for group games in which the timestamp variable is still {localTimestamp}. Happens on all groups/games.


I really like these new changes!

It’s nice that they added those icons, but they function exactly like the social links below the description.



Social links:


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But it’s still a lot cleaner then adding a massive white box where you don’t need all of the space for text, and could be used for something else.


Yeah, I do like the icons better. They’re neat and don’t take up a lot of space. They should remove the big white boxes with short messages and go with these icons instead. The new game details page has already done this:


Maybe with the extra space, more slots for social links can be added.


It seems some of the titles on the new design are not translated. In the French translation, the social wall is translated, but every other title (including members and rank at the top and the navigation) are not translated.

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Definitely agree.

Description, group funds (if shown), and social links belong at the top with the group name and logo.

The group wall should just be moved to it’s own tab.


This is a post that is on the devforums.


Thank you very much for taking the feedback involving the order of group games. This looks much better.


I also noticed that sometimes (actually most of the time for me), the group games (on the group page) isn’t showing the actual players. For example, the group page says there’s 0 players but there is actually 15 players ingame.

I’m not sure if it’s my resolution causing the issue, I have the entire page zoomed out (CTRL+MouseWheel) because it seems too big for me.