New Group Methods and events

Also, why is everyone and their mother making a ROBLOX API? And why are they just copying the official docs’ theme? Honestly, I wouldn’t use anyone’s ROBLOX API because it just isn’t reliable. I have no way of knowing that your API will actually be working. Meh. [/quote]

We’re making APIs because ROBLOX stop us from sending requests to * and they don’t allow us to have header manipulation so we don’t have to make our own APIs.

We’re using the official documentation CSS because:
a) we’re too lazy to make our own
b) that theme works so well.

We definitely need at least PromptGroupJoin, it’d make a huge difference for the growth potential of groups. This is pretty long overdue.

You mean, throw it in the user’s face so they join a group that they will probably never look at again? Not sure if I’m feeling it :stuck_out_tongue:

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:sweat_smile: No, not throw it in the user’s face. Friend request prompts are a good example of how it can be added in a discreet, optional, ignorable way—unlike PromptPurchase. Free models that abuse it would obviously gain a bad, annoying reputation.

The key is to have the functionality available at all, so that we can leverage it in the specific cases where it has a very powerful, beneficial effect for the user :key: Especially since looking for group links in place descriptions, and searching groups by name is really inconvenient and a barrier to providing that engagement and community that the user may want.

It’s already possible to throw group join offers in users’ faces. You can continually check which groups they’re in, and bring up a GUI that asks them to join your group. That GUI could pop up every couple of minutes or even not be able to be closed until they join the group. Nobody does that though. Why? Because nobody would play their game if it were that intrusive. This is applicable to join prompts as well. Games that don’t spam group join offers also won’t magically start doing so if there was a prompt for joining a group.


Was searching for groups and found this, are these features ever coming out? (yes this is a year old but i was still wondering)

I still feel like PromptGroupJoin would be a great addition to Roblox, surpised this hasn’t been added yet.


If this was localscript only, an exploiter could easily make an instance and promote themselves… Serverscripts are secure if you know how to manage data.

This is a great feature request overall and I wish it would come. As Roblox expands, these features become more needed.


I don’t think you understand localscripts.

Localscripts are only activated on the local player.
Meaning they can’t activate it for other people.

I do understand local scripts… I clearly stated they could promote themselves

Even if they can’t promote other people from the localscript, you don’t want them to also be able to promote themselves either.

Ah, I completely misread this thread after a while, I was thinking this was just for PromptGroupJoin. Apologies.

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It’s been over 8 years, yet we still don’t have this. Honestly saddening.


10 years now and still not this features

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This is needed desperately, a lot of roleplay groups on Roblox use their groups to provide in-game benefits within their games, this is a big thing in the Roblox Sci-Fi genre. Quite frankly I find it a bit disheartening this was promised in RDC 2021 as a confirmed feature only for Roblox to go completely radio silent about it, this has been requested since 2014 by multitudes of people, there is quite frankly no downside to adding this feature. Any sort of “abuse” this feature could cause could easily be patched (ie group join prompts being spammed on a player’s client).

If you go to Google right now and look up “Roblox dev forum group prompt” you will see multiple requests for this feature or people asking how to do this within their games only to be told it isn’t a feature. So this is quite obviously a heavily requested feature not including this form that goes all the way back to 2014.

If someone from Roblox sees this, Please deliver on the feature you promised, a feature that people have been asking you to add for a solid 10 years.

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personally, automatic ranking functions shouldn’t be implemented, or they should be restricted on a role-per-role basis.

see time-based rank ups, i dont think that would be as destructive being auto-rankable unlike an administrator role, as for exilation though, that should not be automatic.

HOWEVER, I personally want these as methods, since its useful for an in-game admin panel;

My suggestions are:

  • GroupService.SetPlayerRank(userid, groupid, rankid) - Automatically ranks up a player on permitted ranks
  • GroupService.PromptSetPlayerRank(player, userid, groupid, rankid) - mostly equiv to SetPlayerRank but allows for any rank up to rank - 1 the player being prompted. Prompted player must have permission.
  • GroupService.PromptExilePlayer(player, userid, groupid) - prompts the player to exile a user, must be ranked higher than the target user and have permission to prompt
  • GroupService.PromptJoinGroup(player, groupid) - Prompts a player to join or request to join a group

As well as all of this, the developer of the game implementing these functions must have an admin role in said group, maybe Can use in-game GroupService APIs?. Group games its obvious how it would handle it.