New Group with Name Tags

Interesting idea.


What if you join more than 1? Do you get to choose which one shows next to your name, sort of like a primary group?

It seems this is no longer the case as I now see people with Modeler, Clothing Designer, and Translater next to their names.

You can choose your Title.

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It looks like this isn’t disabled for non-members.

Was gonna reply with potential help, but I’m guessing since you withdrew, you figured it out.

Yeah, I didn’t see the posts about there being a page to join groups from.

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Yea. That’s why I made this originally was to have a list of hot links to each group.

This is perfect now we know what everyone does :smiley:

This cannot be disabled for non-members, unfortunately. :frowning:

Scripters/Programmers: let’s get a poll going.

Which would you rather identify as in the context of Roblox development?

  • Scripter
  • Programmer

0 voters

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It’s a gray area. I’d call a programmer someone who uses other languages like C variants and JS alongside RbxLua.

A scripter sounds like someone who works soley in RbxLua.


Programmer sounds more “important”. Also, it can include people who code in other languages as @kiansjet said


You’re both right. I changed the question to be a bit more in line with the context.


being labeled as programmer makes me feel very more smarter :grinning:



I love this new update. I think it is a very well needed feature to help distinguish between developers. However, I do think these roles should be given to the user depending on what category they submitted their application in to authenticate things.

Very nice! Helps highlight where we feel our specialty is!


I’m not quite sure how to word this correctly, but a group for someone who does community management/planning events on Roblox would be nice. I don’t know the perfect “word” for that though.

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Calling yourself a scripter is downgrading the fact that you’re a programmer.

Like that would look terrible on an resume.

Even autocorrect doesn’t like it:


‘Script’ refers to light code generally running on top of a more sophisticated codebase. In Roblox, this is Lua running on top of C++.

So in the long run, yeah it sounds childish.
The term script kiddie even derives from it.