New In-Game Topbar

Nice update! I love that design :heart:. Let’s see what the next cool update be :slight_smile:.


Will there be a new escape menu too? It’s pretty old.


Doesn’t scale well either. It gets cut off when you use it in Studio’s iPhone 4S emulator, and VGA as well, I think

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Is there a way I can test it now?

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I prefer the old one. This one suits the new leaderboard, I guess but it looks too ‘empty’ Also, why change the order of everything? It’s honestly just confusing. :roll_eyes:


This looks amazing! I’ve been waiting for something like this for a while! I always thought that the old bar on the top was somewhat ugly and took to much space, but this new update would definitely make things look very nice.

I think I prefer the hamburger icon like on the current topbar rather than the Roblox icon in the top left, it feels out of place in contrast to the other icons. I like the menu on the right however, and I think it matches well with the new leaderboard. And now with no black bar in the way it allows for more ui space (even though you could make it transparent with SetTopbarTransparency, but that left an ugly space between the top of the screen and the leaderboard and chat window)!


Hamburger icon refers to the icon with 3 lines across


I genuinely look forward to seeing the new Topbar arrive, this will brilliantly go with the new leaderboard too! Great job!

I wonder if you’ll be shipping some very cool updates to the Esc Menu, Chat & Inventory UIs to go with these spectacular updates, looking forward to seeing where this stuff goes!


In terms of usability (because that is how I judge all of my own designs), both better and worse! Better as there is less on screen to distract the user, but worse since things are being hidden. Overall I think this is a great change that will certainly help increase immersion.


Yes, look at picture #2. It is still possible, there are also keybinds for emotes and bakcpack/items!

Since the Topbar is now invisible, shouldn’t the IgnoreGuiInset boolean be deprecated? Otherwhise i’d imagine having it Disabled (Default) would be odd and a bit confusing.

in my opinion it does not look to good and it is very empty old one was better


Looks nice how ever I feel the Roblox logo etc can still be made smaller. The tip bar should just be made to be customizable regardless in my opinion.

Make it so we can scale, change colors, transparency etc. But not to the point that the UI is too big/small, or transparency = 100% but just a little bit of customization.

Even if we were allowed to change icons or the bar etc it would help too.

Something I just thought of before I hit reply was, what about a drop down menu, have a [v] button on the top left corner, when clicked the “top bar” stuff slides down from the top then have a [^] to hide it again. I’m sure there could be lots of things that could be done to it.

Edit: personally I don’t think it looks “empty” as a matter of fact i like the fact it’s that way, just thinking of non Roblox games most don’t have a top bar or anything like that. So it’s nice not to have a lot up there. Thinking ahead when I ever make the game idea I have in mind it really would be much better as it would aim to be a “AAA” title look to an extent (it would be a single player game with possibly a multiplayer separate mode, not giving away my idea)


I enjoyed the icons before, but this looks like it took on too much and confusing for me at least.


There will still be a 36 pixel GuiInset, the height occupied by the new Topbar.


I did not see if any one did a pole before edit I checked there was none. I honestly love the new one though it fits the theme Roblox is going for.

  • Add new one
  • Keep old one

0 voters


This is going to be the best thing added to Roblox
It looks cool, hoping it gets added to Roblox! :smiley:
At least there must be an option in client menu so we can return back the old topbar.

If it gets added it’s RIP to the old Roblox topbar (if the old topbar setting will not be added)

  • Add new topbar and keep old one as a setting to toggle
  • Keep only old topbar
  • Add new topbar with deleting the old one

0 voters

EDIT: Poll taken down since a personal question in DM

Does this mean the player list is finally coming to mobile?

This is a great feature and I can’t wait for it to come! The new topbar makes it feel like the topbar is designed so us developers can add our own custom buttons, etc without having to create a custom topbar. (Yes this was do-able before but it involved hacky DisplayOrder tricks). It would be really nice if we got an API for adding custom buttons, etc.

It would also be nice if there was a beta option in studio to switch to the new topbar so we can start working on UI designs which would fit well with the new topbar.