New In-Game Topbar

I think it is a curious update, it takes to modernize the style of the menu the past one was old.
I have not found bugs, but I would put the window of the new menu attached on the left.

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I like it but I think the roblox button should be changed to the three lines one. Also would like to see a option to make it disappear when the mouse is not close to it. Would help developers that want the topbar removed completely from their game with no buttons.

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The modern design is definitely a step in the right direction, tough I think it would look a lot better if the top distances were equal to the bottom distances.

I also think the ROBLOX logo in the top left should be a little smaller, that way you have a little more whitespace which I believe is a lot easier on the eyes.


When we open the menu (roblox logo), is anything gonna change like the UI or the style of the menu ?

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im ganna love it when it comes out more 2020 and less 2006 or something

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I loved it, it is clean and simple, but I think would be cool a command for disabling the Topbar, it would be very nice and would help in some games that the topbar bother the gameplay.


they should make it so you can add buttons on the top bar (would help me out because im making a game called and having to put the ui on the side is kinda bothering so being able to add buttons to the top bar would help)


If they made it the same size as the health bar some players wonā€™t know itā€™s there cuz itā€™s so small


I really like the new design for it, very smooth and well crafted. :+1:


This new modernish topbar is great, however I dislike the big Roblox logo at the left corner due to lack of padding and the amount of empty space around that area. Iā€™ll be honest here, the UI needs a little work. The border of the health bar is too opaque, my suggestion is to make it transparent to achieve better looking results. The three dots menu on the right side should be closer to the corner and the health bar should increase the size to the right for it to look proportionally. I still prefer the old topbar, but I wish there is a way to hide the name and the age on the right corner, which can be intrusive when it comes to making custom topbar UIs.


This perfectly described it. Iā€™m all for UI updates, but Iā€™m still a little confused with the leaderboard UI, which just feels a lot less clean than the old one, albeit I guess you could say it looks more modern, which is what Roblox is going for.

This UI will take a while to get used to, but I guess its alright. Although, really, without the bar it kinda feelsā€¦ hard to spot? I donā€™t know, but theres something about not having a clear separation of the bar from the game.

Honestly, the top left just looks like a big watermark.


Prior to 2015/16, the top bar didnā€™t exist and the hamburger menu as well as the health bar were on the bottom, and the chat was constantly prominent with the bar you type text into at the bottom of the screen. At the time the top bar was first implemented, everyone complained that it took up too much space. Youā€™ll adjust :slight_smile:


My first account having been made in 2014 until an unfortunate lost, Iā€™m surprised I didnā€™t remember this. Instead, Iā€™m pretty sure this happened around 2012, when the new menus were introduced. I can see why people may believe that the top bar takes too much space, but Iā€™m sure I can speak for myself when I say this will take time to adjust and that its not a preferred change.

edit: Noope. 3 different contradicting sources, finally looks like I have the right idea about Robloxā€™s history. Although, speaking for myself, it does feel shorter than it actually wasā€¦


Personally, I donā€™t like the new bar, however some people do. I think as a compromise, maybe we should leave the option for people to choose whether or not they want to revert over to the current top bar. Only issue I see with that would be now yā€™all couldnā€™t deprecate PlayerGui:SetTopTransparency anymore.


I am extremely happy about this update. I never really liked the old TopBar, and removing it was always the first thing I did when opening a new project. One thing that I really like is the replacement of the hamburger menu icon with the ROBLOX logo icon, it feels like a big upgrade. It is all very exciting!

I request that the chat icon doesnā€™t show notifications when it is closed, it was always distracting to close the chat and see a red number going crazy in the corner of my eye.


The Roblox Icon in the top right does not look like a button, it looks more like a watermark. Will these buttons have MouseEnter features (like animations or change color when hovering over them)?

Edit: I made this post when the Roblox icon was just a blurry, low quality Roblox logo. It has since changed. The Topbar is fine as is currently. Please do not make any changes unless needed!


Nice! It looks modern and not old.
Now everything will fit in and be modern. Great job on the In-Game Topbar!

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Iā€™m liking the look of this, but Iā€™d rather have the old hamburger icon instead if the Roblox logo. Overall a good change, and it looks nicer for the most part.


The Topbar we currently have was fine so I donā€™t really mind if it gets changed or not, but the new UI looks simple and pretty good, it also fits the new leaderboard a bit more, but if you change the Topbar like that maybe change the inventory and chatbox too, but donā€™t make it to big.


You do know u can just set the size of a UI to 1.1 on the Y size and -0.1 on the Y position to fill that bar in?