New In-Game Topbar

Is this being rolled out to random users until everyone has it?

I believe it depends on what country you are in, not sure though.

A/B tests have no relation to country or location and are completely random.


Ah, I see. I just seen someone say that earlier and thought thats how it was gonna work.

I have the new escape menu and the new menu icon however the topbar and the rest of the icons still looks the same, I took a screenshot:

edit: I tested on one of my alternate accounts and I don’t see this so it is probably AB testing.


My friend is on mac and he’s able to access the new menu.

I do understand this but, I suggest to do these testings on the Beta testers to be more organized and you can be given more feedback, instead of having random users confused on what this is. I would really like to be giving more feedback on new roblox features and testing them out.


“It’s clean and lovely.”

Just what I wanted.


It’s very cool and fresh but how I get it?

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I think it matches the new leaderboard!

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Looks great! I like how it takes up less space and the bar is less noticeable than before, the only thing I don’t like is the big roblox icon instead of the three lines and the three dots icon being on the far right. However this looks like a step in the right way to optimise in-game experience

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I don’t have any problem with the old topbar. I really like the new chat icon, but the circumference of the 1 is a bit too dark and could be less dark. Or else, I feel like it’s empty. I’m honestly glad we removed the 13+, because even though it was for parents to catch their kids lying, it seemed like it was just there to fill up. The new health bar looks good, but can be improved. I honestly prefer the old topbar, but I can deal with the new one.


This is probably because a health bar doesn’t fit in for certain games (for example, you probably won’'t be taking damage in a role playing game)


Looks great,looking forward to see this.

0/10 Bad padding

Jokes aside, this looks way less jarring then the old black bar and is overall a major improvement.


Why they dont resize the Roblox logo?, i mean they should put it a little bigger because its the important option.

I agree and it help’s with the more new modern feel and approach to ROBLOX.
Good Job roblox!

Not really you can see it just fine and I wear glasses my whole life


It’s been a week and a few days since that comment so I’m expecting this to release in the next couple of days! :smiley:

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I am hoping we get it today. Or maybe tomorrow.

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