New In-Game Topbar

Hello how do I test the new menu?

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I am in the USA and I do not have the top bar. And I am beta tester too.

I am in the UK, I believe nobody here is part of the A/B Test for the new topbar.


It’s been a week can yall release it already ;=;

and they need to make AB more open wide so more people all around the world can get a chance to test etc


It should be releasing relatively soon.


you need to be in the AB tester list its random users picked tho

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what do you mean about relatively soon i cant wait for it to come out
then ill need to update my roblox game so the custom bouttons are the same theme as the new top bar

Seems like jailbreak got it but c’mon roblox. I thought it’d be better.


It’s gonna take me like 2 months for me to get used to this new feature.

Its going to be added. Whether we like it or not. Roblox ‘game experience team’ clearly has no care for what the majority of “Robloxians” think.


The Health Bar UI is pretty good, but I just think something is missing.

If they have no care for what we think, why did they listen to some of the feedback posted in this thread?
They do listen to us, they probably wouldn’t even have made this thread if they weren’t looking for feedback.


“The Majority of Robloxians” think that the idea behind this change is great (according to this thread) but are giving constructive criticism to push this idea the best it could be. Issues such as the padding and size are prevalent in the design, but it is a step in the right direction.


I would venture to say that the majority of the replies on this thread, like many other public announcement threads, are “crapposts” with little to no value or meaning. Things like “Wow, so exciting” and “Can I be an AB tester” really just clutter it.


This is a great improvement from the old design. But the topbar being fully transparent will interfere with the ui design of a lot roblox games. Including the roblox studio templates. I think that you can still keep the SetTopbarTranspareny() but set the topbar’s default transparentcy to 1.

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Really good design, very minimalist! But could we have a option to disable this topbar, and maybe bring back the legacy one, as well as the legacy playerlist?


In order to please both sides of players who want and not want this topbar, i would create a setting where you can choose what Topbar your game will have. Like that people who want the old Topbar can choose that one for their games. New places created after this update should have this Topbar enabled by default.


I love it!
I like the health bar a lot, atleast we dont have a semi-transparent black bar at the top anymore!

Same, I miss the old top-bar. The new one is an ok Like I said it not my fav update for me. /:


I honestly feel like the hamburger menu icon is more nice, because right now it feels like you’re forcing a watermark over our games, but otherwise it’s very nice.

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