New In-Game Topbar

Forcing <13 players to use the old chat menu is a terrible idea, because being able to communicate well is a key part of many games, even for <13 players. Sure, the filter sucks, but at least they are able to actually communicate with other people effectively, which is something you can’t say about the old chat menu.


I love this design, the old design with the 3 lines and the topbar was ok, but this is a whole new level! The only issue I have is the Roblox logo, it is kind of out of place. If you add the 3 lines instead of the logo it will be perfect.


Yeah, same. I will have to redo all of my custom TopBar GUIs. I do hope the new one will be better though :smiley:

I think that the new TopBar has a very good design and that it will fit into Roblox really well! :grinning:


Yeah, same. It is very modern and clean.

For a rather small Client update, it is taking way longer then it need’s too.
If it’s going to take this long for something like this, just mostly it being a design upgrade then I can’t imagine what something actually big and how long THAT would then take if they take so long for just a top bar.

Pretty disappointing in my personal opinion, that something of such smaller scale could take so long. :man_shrugging:


everything has a reason to be delayed (bug fixing, polishing, redesigning)

release the update early = bugs and glitches = more anger from devs

release the update late = more anger from devs

you being disappointed just for being impatient is unneeded.

my take is to be patient since it isn’t a game-changing aspect ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Will Mobile or Ios Users will be able to see this? Bc, a tablet or ipad is way big and its wide holdablity
will make it seeable, but will the iphone see this feature?

Will you be able to test this in-studio before you release it

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The new in-game topbar will be on all platforms.

thank god this didn’t pass, I am glad to see roblox working on new things, and I am glad that they listen to the community on topic like this!


Its nice! I didn’t like the way the old one took up the top part of the screen! And also when is the new Roblox homepage coming to Connecticut in the United States?


True, the more early the features came, the more bugs and glitches will appear which can make other people angry, and all that because of time, it takes time to fix those bugs and find them.
So guys let be patient and hope this feature will be great !


I’m not really for it. If a developer wanted to change it to be transparent, they could already do that. I think it would be helpful to allow a new API such as PlayerGui:SetTopBarLegacy or something like that so we can still use the old one. Overall, I don’t think this update was really needed.

Edited to fix a typo.


I don’t think it’s a great idea in my honest opinion, not because the top bar is being replaced but the ROBLOX icon being there, the watermark is unnecessary and I would rather prefer the 3 lined icon, either way even if I give my opinion I’m not sure ROBLOX would listen regardless. :confused:


This looks like a great improvement to the topbar. I like how it doesnt have the black bar anymore.


Is this supposted to happen?

Sure the new one can look modern, but i think the old one was okay.


Its so that we feel like we have a voice.

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The ROBLOX logo on it is too big I was playing BloxBurg and image


Well that looks… pretty darn bad…