New In-Game Topbar

I assume it’s a placeholder since it’s the menu that was A/B tested


I’m pretty sure this isn’t supposed to be labelled as “Label” since the camera controls were appropriately labelled as the default camera control


not gonna lie here, i loved the original.
the new one is pretty bad in my opinion so heres some things wrong with it in my opinion

menu button has a rather big and odd gap

add friend icon is a bag/shop icon?

this one is something i hate but others may not but the close menu button doesnt line up with the menu button

and i cant forget to mention this

i dont usually post but i just wanted to mention these

update: found out this pretty problematic for adopt me

update 2: found out not all people have access to the new topbar and its not a devforum exclusive since some of my non devforum friends dont have it


Yea, I’m not sure why there’s such a big offset there. Very annoying and unnecessary 33 pixels I should add. It Reminds me of the first version of the new leaderboard when it came out.


Does anyone know if this update has been released yet?

It seems interesting, but I would like an option to switch back to the old top bar whenever I would like to. :o


I’m working on a kit to customise the new top bar with transparency settings using a UI.


It is mostly looking good but the only thing I don’t like is the Roblox Logo. Because it just doesn’t look good there because it is big and I don’t think new people would understand that they have to click the Roblox logo for menu.


Roblox has become way less transparent with this update, Plus they also put the logo in the loading screen and error icon.


Wow, that topbar looks great! I really like how clean it looks.

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The new top bar has not been shipped yet. after 2 weeks.

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hmm, the title doesn’t say [LIVE] that means its not active,
i sometimes get this as a menu:


is this a bug?


Are you in the Beta program? (30 chars)


well i can have beta features in studio so i guess yeah


but i have tried in an alt and it still does that


They are currently doing A/B testing. It is live for some users chosen at random.

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oh ok well i am lucky i guess :thinking:

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The new top bar is pretty interesting, I like the new game settings UI, it looks much cleaner and much more modern now. I also found a bug and something to do with the design that I would suggest changing.


Can’t move after taking a screenshot

Steps to reproduce: Go into a game, open the in-game menu, click the at the bottom of the menu, click take a screenshot, and now you can’t move until you open and close the menu again.


Icon looks out of place

Maybe this is only in my version (even though it was updated before I joined), the menu icon is larger than the other icons and it is aligned too far to the right.



The new Topbar has the roblox logo out of place, also the side menu that pops up is just an unnecessary change to be made.


The roblox logo is very distracting compared to the old solution, while I didn’t like the old icon either, atleast it wasn’t a huge square watermark.


It’s cool, but the menu logo (the roblox logo at the top left) I didn’t like it I want the old one

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Hello Roblox Staff, any Developers contributing in this discussion,

So, I’ve looked through the replies, and saw, that developers do like the new top bar, although other developers say, that they like the old one more.

I feel like Roblox will take the feedback, that they have received on this post, and will try to make it better, if the top bar needs any improvements.

My personal opinion on this, is that the new top bar, is pretty fancy, and modern, but it will take me a while to get used to it, due to it being something new, something different. After all, throughout all the years, ever since I joined Roblox, I got used to the old Roblox top bar.

I probably would say the old one was better, just because I’m used to it, and because it was pretty easy-to-use. This one actually got me confused on It’s usage, and it takes me longer to change settings, whenever I need to. It’s kinda saving a lot of screen-space, which could be good, or bad.

As I said, the new one does look quite nice though, even though it might be a little unhandy, I might be wrong though.

Thanks for generally making platform better each and every month, we developers are always excited to see each change made to the website, client, or even Roblox Studio, the tool we work with. We appreciate all the changes, and do consider giving feedback, for you to improve things, that might be lacking. We do hope you consider our feedback as well, and will improve things is necessary.

Excited to see the next update!
