New In-Game Topbar

This may be a bug. I’m sure The Roblox Corporation is looking into this.

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So this is another instance of Roblox trying to modernize their site while, in the process, making the UI harder to manage. Looks do not always equal user friendliness! The old UI was better due to less menus to scroll through.


Here is something I quickly made in adobe. It shows and describes the type of topbar I would want and some of its functions:

Other Version


I do not know if this is intentional, but I just saw this with the topbar.

These buttons are rounded and dark:
Yet the X button in the menu does not match these at all.
It would be nice if they could change this to match, or even just remove it, seeing as It is kinda unnecessary because we already have a button to go back to the game, which is way larger and more convenient.


this is a design i can agree is consistan and will not interfere with guis of old not updated games

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I don’t know if its supposed to be like this but, when I was loading in to a game the top bar appeared while loading in.

I hope this feedback helps!

Edit: Oop- I accidentaly replied to someone instead of the main post, my bad.


It might be because you’re using the Windows Store version. Try using the regular version.

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When is the new Pause menu coming? I thought that would come at the same time would make sense

Honestly, the old topbar looked much better. Some people say this looks modernized, I say it looks like we went back to 2012.


I like the way that they had the new topbar to begin with. The drop shadow.

This looks way better and indeed more consistent. It also wouldn’t interfere with current UI in games :slight_smile:


The icon in the top right corner is so unnecessary, i dont really see why it would be over there and not with the rest of the options / removed.


I think it looks a little more modern. I get annoyed by the Topbar when I play FPS games, so I won’t mind it being a little less noticeable.

:SetTopbarTransparency() shouldn’t be deprecated and should instead be used to control the rounded backdrops behind the icons, my UI was pretty heavily reliant on maintaining the legacy theme and this new rounded backdrop disrupts it.


i’d agree if the top bar’s transparency was default to 1

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I agree with you, and I changed it.

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I joined my own game and quickly noticed that the roblox icon was not scaled.
Screen Shot 2020-05-13 at 5.11.16 PM
(I had scaled my chat/tutorial button to fit the icon in the corner.)

I wish there was a way to be able to set your volume also below 1 (and above 0). There’s a box, but decimals don’t work.
My volume (Windows 10) resets with every update which results in in-game volume being too high even if set to 1 in Roblox.


You know what, now that I’ve seen this, I can agree that this is better.


When all core UI is disabled with game.StarterGui:SetCore("TopbarEnabled", false) and game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled("All", false), can the Roblox icon in the top left have the dark background removed and have equal padding on the top and left side? Having no background would let me make the button match my own UI better

