New In-Game Topbar

That is the old menu, the new menu has X fixed. However, it’s not out for everyone. If you make a new account you will get the new menu and you can see how it is on mobile.

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Personally a big fan of the topbar.


I don’t think it should come to mobile, it will take up far too much UI space (which is very valuable on mobile). If it comes to mobile then I am disabling the player list in my game

Yeah me too, I like it a lot. It is so much more open and finally that ugly 13+ tag is gone


The new topbar isn’t that bad but I expect that if I disable it, the black background on the menu button should disappear, I recently decided to test out my UI design and realized that the new topbar ruined it because the black background of the button made it look completely out of place.


Even without the black background it would still look weird because the roblox logo wouldn’t be centered. I think the best solution for you would be to expand your custom top bar or get rid of it completely

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I think that it should not be deprecated and instead use it to set the transparency of the icon backgrounds. Because the backgrounds do not fit in with some games.


The player list’s background color should match the rounded backdrops of the icons cause they don’t go well together. This is just opinion but ever since the new player list was added it didn’t match the top bar and even now with this top bar overhaul it still doesn’t.



I don’t want to have to recreate my UI because of their changes to the top bar though, that’s just annoying especially when it looked perfect with the old topbar


Where do we post criticism for this? There are a ton of problems I have with this, such as the buttons being weirdly scattered apart, the empty space between chat and the leaderboard and the top of the screen, and probably more things I could think of such as username not being at the top right which I use often for user reports in my discord.


Oh god.
Sensitivity is completely broken for me because I can’t set it to more than 0 and less than 1 …
Game is unplayable unless I set my sensitivity for Windows which would make interacting with other apps harder. I don’t see a reason why you removed decimals …
Really don’t like that change.


Yes!! I have no idea why but those warnings come up whenever I run studio. Like what you said, they haven’t affected anything that I notice.

can you just revert the mouse sensitivity stuff? i had mine on a specific decimal but now its stuck to integers. and why does 0 still let you move your mouse? what if i want it to be lower than the sensitivity 0 is set to?


Agree, revert to old bar please


You are right! If the wanted No top bar, then they would have already been able to do that :confused:

I would prefer old GUI with the inventory button on the top left of screen. Currently it’s harder for me to access the inventory. The old gui is easier to access inventory.

For shortcut, since Roblox use the ` key to open Inventory but for my Keyboard (Thai Keyboard) It’s also changing the language of keyboard to Thai and It will make us cannot chat by using the / when selecting Thai Keyboard


I like the whole new UI system. However I think better animations when opening tabs or switching tabs. would be interesting.

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The new in-game menu is great, but it has some flaws; so I made my own design for it. (Sorry for bad art design, drawing with a mouse is really hard.)

The proposed design was lacking of a visible Respawn button and a Record tab, so I added those

Here’s an idea of what the Record tab could look like.

I hope something along the lines of what I proposed gets added to the new in-game menu before release. As I said at the start of this post, I’m sorry for the bad art design.


I have received this warning on every test and all my GUIs and my UiListLayouts aren’t tweening or becoming invisible/visible.

Again, I don’t understand how bringing back :SetTopbarTransparency() would break older scripts if its removal is what broke them to begin with. Why would they add a new function with a confusing name that does the same thing when they could easily un-deprecate and fix the old one?

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