New In-Game Topbar

Just made a feature request on it:

I Mean This Doesn’t Look bad at all in my opinion but the only problem with it is the … Icon it seems like we have to press more buttons

Yeah but there are still short cuts for all of them just like the reset: ESC + R + enter.

Yeah But they need to add a shortcut for the … or i just don’t know

I think all of the basic and important functionalities had their own Shortcut so it is a lot easier. Just need to get used to it.

Could we add the player name in the corner back please? It is useful for finding exploiters and for other roleplay games.


The text on the topbar can be edited by exploiters or photoshopped and shouldn’t be used to verify identity.

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So can everything else??? Many roleplay groups use it to identify players.

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What does “…” mean? Shortcut for what?

For the Playerlist, emotes, and backpack

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Put a text label in the place where they old name was and put a local script in it. Put this line into it.
script.Parent.Text = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name

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My Suggestions: Examine Avatar should be renamed to “View” like in the Old Roblox Menu, Respawn Character should be renamed to “Reset Character”


This topic has been replied to much after the solution and probably needs to be locked.

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robloxapp-20200801-1156530.wmv (802.3 KB)

I can’t see the top bar

I think he meant the “…” bottom on the top right of the top bar, but it’s kinda unnecessary since all of its options already have shortcuts and it’s only used to show these short cuts

Is the new in-game menu postponed? or discontinued and no longer being worked on?

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I believe they’re finalizing the process after receiving feedback from the large-scale testing they did the other month, which ended during late June:

We’ll likely just have to continue waiting until the point at which it releases to everybody, unless they provide some final updates prior to its implementation, but I’d like to think that they have the important components mostly worked out by this point considering how long ago the tests were.

It has been 2 months and they don’t want to say anything.

I am starting to believe that the new in-game menu is no longer being worked on at this point.

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I think this update is amazing since it made fade to black screens look really cheap (for example in Horrific Housing.)

For some reason I had this update till now I got reverted back to using the old one again.

Probably some randomized release but ok.

Seems like they went back and forth with setting their RFlag for ‘rolled out’ release.