New Laser Tag Studio Template!


|| extra characters ||

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These are great plugins thanks for the suggestions!

How did you open the viewmodel animations in the animation editor? I am trying to tweak the equip anim.

Downloading the animation:

First to download the animations select the blaster animation folder and run this code in the command bar:


for _, children in pairs(game.Selection:Get()[1]:GetChildren()) do
	if children:IsA("Animation") then
		local downloaded = game:GetService("AnimationClipProvider"):GetAnimationClipAsync(children.AnimationId)
		downloaded.Name = children.Name
		downloaded.Parent = workspace.Camera

They will be placed inside the workspace camera.


Preparing the viewmodel:

Now copy the Blaster to the workspace. Move it to the position X 0, Y 0, Z 0. Create a new part inside it and name it CamPart. Move the CamPart to the position X -0.9 Y: 1.3 Z: 1.3, set its size to 0, 0, 0.

Opening the animation in the editor

Open the Animation editor and click the blaster model, create a new Untitled Animation Clip animation and save it. Go to ServerStorage and find RBX_ANIMSAVES, inside it find the object with the same name of the blaster viewmodel you were editing, move all downloaded animations inside that object.


Go back to the animation editor and load the animation that you want to edit.


After editing you must upload it to Roblox and replace the id in the blaster Animations folder with the new id of the animation that you just uploaded.


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This is so helpful thank you!!!

If only the animation editor could do the work of that console command natively :thinking: