New Part Collision Property: CanQuery - Now Available!

Something with CanTouch enabled but CanQuery and CanCollide disabled is effectively a trigger volume: It will tell you when stuff enters / leaves it via Touch events but otherwise not be there.

Disabling all three does further improve performance if you want a purely visual part with no behavior.


Awesome! When will this be released as a full and functional feature?

When will Studio actually SAVE a false property value for CanQuery?

As mentioned by others, I can change the property value, save and publish, but if I close Studio and restart, all the values for CanQuery have been reset to true.


I was excited to implement the Beta feature in my upcoming game.
However, as mentioned above the property doesn’t actually save once studio is restarted :man_shrugging:

Hopefully this isn’t intentional for the Beta. It makes it hard to test a feature if it doesn’t save.

@opplo @DreadPir8Rob
I can’t reproduce this.
With the beta feature on, I’m:

  • Creating new baseplate
  • Adding a Part
  • Disable CanCollide then CanQuery on the Part
  • Save place, close studio
  • Open studio, open place

And the Part still has CanCollide and CanQuery set to false. Are you doing something different?

Are you in TeamCreate as well? TC is always a wildcard factor in whether things work or not. Yes, in standard mode it does save the property. In Team Create mode, it does not.

This beta doesn’t work in team create yet: New Part Collision Property: CanQuery - Now Available! - #55 by kleptonaut

Ah it’s a Team Create issue, I spend so much time in it I forget. Would be nice for Beta features to be TC compatible, but understandable if not.


Tbh, if the bug where disabling can query acts as if you’re selecting something behind the part is fixed, will we ever get a feature for the same? Selecting parts behind a part without zooming in your camera is pretty convenient especially when working with large builds. Even blender has this feature. So it’d be a nice to have feature ngl.

Rather than hiding the CanQuery property in the properties window when CanCollide is true, could Studio instead grey it out? It makes the feature harder to discover and diagnose when I’m searching for a property that only conditionally shows up.


Is it stable enough to become live feature?

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Yes, but we are waiting for the dragger update that allows you to still select parts which have CanQuery turned off. This should be enabled in tomorrows update.


Physical dragger’s right? Im assuming that.

No I’m referring to all forms of selection in general.
As outlined in the initial post:

You may have realized that excluding a part from raycasts will lead to the part being unselectable by the Studio dragger tools. You’re right, this is a known issue. The dragger tools will be updated to override the property in Studio during the beta so you can still select things.

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Oh okay, got it. Got confused.

Would it be possible to bring this back? It turns out this entire time I thought this bug was an intended feature lol

I had created a plugin that replicated Visibility Groups from the source 1 map editor Hammer. I had been using CanQuerry in conjunction with transparency to effectively remove player clipping parts and other trigger parts from my game while not in use, and reenabling them before publishing the game.

It seems like this “bug” had been fixed and now my cherished CanQuery no longer does what I thought it was meant for haha

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I found it super useful for “ignoring” the query collisions of parts that got in the way when adding details. I often create things that have BasePart boundaries or BasePart water. The ability to ignore those parts when placing stuff inside/underneath them was super useful. The “Locked” property does not solve the same use case, nor should it.

I also want to stress, this isn’t a one-off use case. I had used it all the time for boundaries, BasePart water/grass, carpets, and overall decor. It was a really nice QoL when I used it intentionally.

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@cloakedyoshi @ShadowFox2
Also, as mentioned in the original post:

We realize that the ability to disable selection on parts can be helpful. Over time, the dragger’s behavior will be extended to allow this. Tell us your thoughts on this!


Do today’s release notes (505) mean that CanQuery is becoming a live feature in the near future?