(NEW PLUGIN) AutoDebug⚙️ V1.1 - Debugging & Fixing easily your Scripts

Types don’t throw runtime errors. They’re mostly Intellisense.


All the replies are flooded with complaining, if someone wants to actually say something other people will very hardly see it.


Exactly why this plugin wouldn’t work.


I’d prefer laugh a bit more. You should know that every release from this guy is getting flooded with that kind of replies for a reason.


You can simply mute this topic if you wish not to see it, we here are providing useful criticisms and feedbacks OP can use if only he has basic reading comprehension of today’s development trends.


Y’all, just stop. I’ll review this later.

I’ll write a proper feedback later.


I know i can, but i’m only saying how hard it will be for someone to give proper feedback, saying “Omg your using CHATGPT api badp lugin pladbighghH!!!” isnt gonna do anythign


Yeah, but a ton of the feedback here is totally valid.


Like, it’s been said a 100 times, we get it

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How would you react if you were given the same feedback?
Many of the feedbacks here are constructive and have reason, you here are just starting an argument what is right and what is wrong out of the blue.
It won’t hurt just watching right?
You are drifting away from the topic by nonchalantly starting an argument, until then, I suggest to stop and wait out until someone here evaluates the source code.

  • a proove there is no real feedbacks:
    no one buy the plugin, and everyone just saying bad things…

I’m not trying to start an argument, i am saying how saying the same thing over and over is just flooding the replies and not helping, the developer understands and he will do something, or not. It’s up to him

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He isn’t really wrong.

Most comments here are saying that this is just a more complicated version of default debug tools provided by the IDEs, and there is however some comments blatantly saying it’s useless since the reasons they need to give out are already written.

Considering this person’s reputation, it’s no mystery why everyone’s mad at him again.

Over the ChatGPT thing, I think he’s learned a lesson.


Oh yea, i don’t know the owner, i am not specially siding with him. Don’t think im the best homie of this guy and im glazing him

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Just give me 6 hours first I have work…


This is because no one wants to buy the “glorified error checker”. Your entire plugin thats behind a paywall can be accessed just by hovering over a line of code, or just using roblox debugger.


The output pinpoints the exact line where the error occurs, long or short doesn’t matter here.


Now from this point on, people new or old, please refrain from continuing. Everything’s been said. Since I bought the plugin for review, you please don’t. I’ll write anything that people have to say.

I’m simply interested in how the source is written, not the actual plugin itself.

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no one know anything bad at it, but everyone saying bad things at it

everyone just searching for bad things, that they dont really know if they are really there because no one in there really tested that.

as i said 100000 times in here, and no one look because everyone search only bad things that dont exist:

all the point of it is Auto Debug
automaticly, and its also saying whats wrong, (with suggestion) for you be able to learn from that too
its good for new or someone that dont have power to check a long code, or something like that.

its not too much good, but its not too much simple too (worth 100 robux), then stop search for only bad things that you dont know if they really exist (troll) and if you dont like it or you dont want to give a feedback MUTE IT

if you really want to say bad things at it, first you need to know what bad at it, dont just make it up.

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