New roblox horror game!

That is the best comment I’ve had all day. :joy:

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This game is so good. Sad it’s underrated. Just one problem there should be a help button just incase players don’t know what to do. But overall this game is really good!

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That’s cool should i take gun incase if something happend or just i stick with flashlight hmm iam gona see your game…

I think the point of the game is it doesn’t have much handholding.

Looks amazing! Game is terrifying…

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My goodness that was one heck of a jumpscare!

Awesome work on the game! My suggestions for you would be to make it more user friendly, such as displaying the user what they can/cannot click on when they get close, such as the door handles.

Great work though!

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I will take that into consideration.

Ill add something to make the game easier to play. But thank you for the feedback!

Amazing game, I really liked it. But maybe more flashing lights? (I like flashing lights)
I have only completed Ending one, It’s not possible to escape that guy.

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Thank you everyone for the amazing feedback, we will 100% keep updating this game. If you wanna know when updates are then join our group!

Link: /e - Roblox

Thank you everyone!


Currently no, but we will be working on more endings today so eventually you will be able to escape him, there is only one ending currently so escaping him is not possible for now.

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I would like to see more in the game. I need a why for the murder, a who, and more details.

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The story will continue, and the more it grows the more the story will unlock.

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OOhoohhoo, that made me jump for sure. It’s a very well made game. I love it, can’t wait for more of it in the future! :+1:


Thank you, more will be coming out today hopefully ending 2.


I haven’t played the game yet but will soon but is it just me or are the thumbnails not the best quality? Especially the one in the room with the tv. That’s all the rest looks good!

Update: Just played the game. only got up to lightning strike that gave me the fright of my life. :L

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Just a placeholder for now, the thumbnails will look 100% better when the new ones are uploaded.

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The game seems to be broken.

yeah I know, fixing it right now.

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Fixed it, so now you are able to play.

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