I’d really like some kind of response from the dev team regarding this
Support ; we need this ; it would also allow awesome effects for enchanted weapons in fantasy games
I want to use this for my in-game object highlight/selection
I need this badly
This would be so useful!
Yes please! Support
I’ve wanted this feature for a long time.
In @wravager’s picture, there is no outline around the soldier’s right arm, which, in Roblox, would be a separate Part from his Torso. To achieve this, maybe this SilhouetteAdornment should also be parent-able to a Model such that all children will share the same outline.
Well, yeah, isn’t that already shown in OP?
Oh, yeah. It didn’t register. I see Fractality mentioned this as well.
I would most definitely be happy with an update like this.
As said before in this thread,
My primary use-case for this would be most definitely player x-ray.
I have a game in development that has a character with a special ability to see enemies through walls. Within the current roblox toolset, this is actually quite hard to accomplish without completely wrecking performance.
For RTS-like games this also has a use-case, where if you select an item, this silhouette would surround the object, notifying you of the selection.
There are a lot of uses but these are the most important for me
Support! Would love to see this feature in Roblox!
###More examples
Green outline and surface highlight over ship:
Create bones in model, set AlwaysOnTop=true, and set white surface highlight to achieve x-ray effect:
Or red for thermal:
Highlight weak points:
Draw attention to points of interest:
Surface/outline for square box and surface alwaysontop=true for wire/pipe thing:
Definite support, and would love to hear some feedback about this from staff