New Studio Start Page

UPDATE: A patch for the stuck loading issue has been deployed as of October 4 at 1pm PST. Please ensure you have updated to version 645.1 to get the fix

Hi Creators, this week we are rolling out a new Studio Start UI that has improved performance and efficiency.

Some of you will certainly ask, “why change this UI?” and there’s a few good reasons:

  • The old Start Page was built in a very old UI framework that was the source of a lot of known hangs and performance issues.
  • It was very difficult to add any new capabilities. This is why the Start Page hasn’t changed much over the past few years.
  • Our ability to present interesting and relevant resources was extremely limited.

This new Start Page is built on the same modern frameworks we’ve been building for Next Gen Studio. Our ultimate goal is to make the Start Page a place where you can quickly get into your creation flow and discover resources relevant to you.

While this does feature an updated design, it is not the final design. Just like the rest of the new Studio UI, we will continue iterating towards our actual design system where everything will come together.

We are excited to be able to add improvements more quickly and will be regularly updating this interface. As always, we encourage you to give it a chance and tell us what you think!

Coming Soon

  • Dedicated Recents tab
  • Show Team Create status in list views
  • Color coding of Playability pills
  • Grid views will provide access to sub-places
  • The “Discover Studio” section will become more personalized over time

Known Issues

  • There’s an existing known issue with certain combination of Windows laptops with Nvidia DirectX drivers that will show “glitched” rendering. This does not affect functionality of the Start Page. One temporary fix may be a switch of Studio Graphics Mode to Vulkan (Studio Settings > Rendering > General > Graphics Mode)

This topic was automatically opened after 10 minutes.

It would be pretty nice if developers were able to access places inside of games/expierences through the Studio Start Page!


I really like the design of this page! However, I don’t see why the recent games section is so thick. You could def:

  • shrink the cards down, allow for 8 per page(?)
  • reduce Y space and make the names scroll slowly instead of expanding to newlines
  • give us another row of recents, “discover” isn’t as relevant and it could be a tab

besides that nice job!


To be honest, It looks nice. But I will miss the old UI


Visually, I like this change, here are some things that I think would make this even better:

  • We all got used to double clicking to open a place and it prevents people from opening places by mistake (now I always click right next to the arrow to open a sub-place and I accidentally open the main place)
  • Can we please get a “Open place in new window” button when you right click? I need to open a lot of sub-places and having to open like 4-5 different studio windows on startup is a pain, I don’t see why we can’t just open studio once and use that single studio instance to open all the places that we need :c (just a simple button like in web browsers when we right click on a link for example (see image))

Overall, I like the new UI. My only complaint for the past while of using the new UI is that there is quite a bit of wasted space on higher-resolution displays. For example, this is my “Experiences” view on a 1440p display with 100% scaling. Ultrawide displays will also have this “issue”.


Glad to hear some UI updates are being added, hopefully it’ll bring the interface up to date.

Looking forward to the grid views especially, curious about everyone else’s thoughts.


Looks good. Better than the old UI in my opinion. (For some reason my studio experiences won’t open though.)


You can do this today if you switch to list view on the Experiences tab. We’ll be adding the ability to do it in grid view soon.


AWesome its looking amazing beuatiful (beside nostolgia in the future :frowning: )


Please fix the experiences not loading. It’s really inconsistent. Sometimes it loads, sometimes it doesn’t and when it does load, it sometimes refuses to open the game.


Yeah it’s actually an inconsistent backend endpoint issue that affects multiple other things but we have a fix ready for Start Page specifically. Just didn’t make it in time this week.

Does fully restarting Studio fix it for you?


No, I have done so at least 10 times already and it still isn’t loading for me. Planning to reinstall it.

Edit: it finally worked on attempt 11 :smiley:
Edit 2: I need to open 2 windows but looks like it’ll be taking a lot while longer…
Edit 3: it worked second try. I guess I got unlucky on the first one?


Oof. OK this is the first we’ve heard of it being that stuck. Sorry about that!


Really cool, and looks fresh!

Is there any chance of the Creator Store being shown here? A way to see which installed plugins have new updates before getting focused on development would be cool too.

CLIP STUDIO’s home page has a whole catalog of user-created store assets. It’s nice to have a flick through and get inspired before I start drawing.


Yes there’s a much better chance of that happening now more than ever. Can’t say it’s on the short term priority list but it’s a great idea.


Please remove the excessive whitespace. Many developers may have many experiences, and needlessly not using space to show more experiences means more scrolling for us to find experiences.

Please also remember the users last page, for example if the user last used the “experiences” page, that page will be loaded when studio is started. The same behaviour should apply for the sort experiences by dropdown setting.
(I also plead for this change to also be made on
It is very degrading for me to have tutorials intended for new developers pushed on my screen, and also wastes my time having to click on a redirect to get to the page I ALWAYS intend to access when visiting the create website, and the same goes for when I open Roblox Studio. I can’t imagine how much electricity and processing is wasted for Roblox by forcing developers to constantly redirect.

Finally, I’d like to add that the new font is extremely painful to read as someone with astigmatism. Please let us customise this page, most especially the font type and font size to any on our device or from the selection of fonts Roblox lets developers use in-experiences, but also let us customise the individual colours of the theme and the spacing between elements.


And with one line, all of my problems with this new update are gone. Thank you for keeping the UI fresh!


Yeah and that one in particular is coming sooner than later :slight_smile: