New Studio Start Page

Really cool, and looks fresh!

Is there any chance of the Creator Store being shown here? A way to see which installed plugins have new updates before getting focused on development would be cool too.

CLIP STUDIO’s home page has a whole catalog of user-created store assets. It’s nice to have a flick through and get inspired before I start drawing.


Yes there’s a much better chance of that happening now more than ever. Can’t say it’s on the short term priority list but it’s a great idea.


Please remove the excessive whitespace. Many developers may have many experiences, and needlessly not using space to show more experiences means more scrolling for us to find experiences.

Please also remember the users last page, for example if the user last used the “experiences” page, that page will be loaded when studio is started. The same behaviour should apply for the sort experiences by dropdown setting.
(I also plead for this change to also be made on
It is very degrading for me to have tutorials intended for new developers pushed on my screen, and also wastes my time having to click on a redirect to get to the page I ALWAYS intend to access when visiting the create website, and the same goes for when I open Roblox Studio. I can’t imagine how much electricity and processing is wasted for Roblox by forcing developers to constantly redirect.

Finally, I’d like to add that the new font is extremely painful to read as someone with astigmatism. Please let us customise this page, most especially the font type and font size to any on our device or from the selection of fonts Roblox lets developers use in-experiences, but also let us customise the individual colours of the theme and the spacing between elements.


And with one line, all of my problems with this new update are gone. Thank you for keeping the UI fresh!


Yeah and that one in particular is coming sooner than later :slight_smile:


I like the visuals much more than the old page, but my biggest problem with this overhaul is how it doesn’t address the old functionality of the “recently opened” page. I just made a suggestion yesterday to support this old flow. It’s weird choice (to me) to release a new page that doesn’t, at minimum, support all the workflows from the previous iteration.


It’s in the “Coming soon” list so normally we should see it back any day now


I just got the new UI. THE OLD ONE WAS BETTER


I guess this is more-so a complaint about replacing workflows without supporting all the use cases.

I was hoping we’d have the ability to use the old page until this new page was ready/completed.


I like the new look of the start page, my problem is none of my experiences load in Archive and Experiences, I’ve tried re-installing and restarting but it doesn’t seem to load.


Yeah no, that one I definitively get. I assume the purpose is to get people’s opinion before adding in more things in this style, but I honestly would have loved a switch to exist while that detail was getting added in.


I love the new ui, its simple and clean and easy to access


is this topbar going to be improved?


I might be so so wrong here, but I think I might have noticed that the infinite loading glitch happens when you have the start page open for quite a while and then switch tabs.

Again, I might be super duper incorrect (it’s honestly probably just coincidence) but probably worth mentioning just in case it lines up with any of you guys’ suspicions (even though it doesn’t make sense to me myself as a programmer :smile:).

Other than that, I think this is a lovely improvement


Yes. That’s driven by the “ribbon” UI so if you turn on the Next Gen Beta, you’ll see this:

We’ll be unifying background colors as we get further along with the Next Gen styling.


Hi, this is great! But im noticing some visual glitches, and some general jank. Also, can we have the ability to open places inside an place? like open an place from the start page. TY!

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:fire: Honestly really good and way better than the old one im exited to see how studio will look


We can go on and on about how it looks; but, on first use, I notice that it is plenty more responsive. I’m no fan of modern web UI, but if it’s actually going to be faster, then good on ye.


Please the OP about rendering glitches to see if that is your issue. If you open list view on the Experiences tab you should see child places:

Support for grid view is on our short list!

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Yes in our past 3 weeks of testing, overall loading and opening performance is quite a bit faster.