New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

The new materials look good but after reading alot of replies. There is alot of issues with the new materials.

I just wanna say that the current materials roblox has atm should be archived for old game purposes or other things.

The current materials is what gives roblox “feel” to me. Since I used them for quite a very long time since I started.

The new materials however look more realistic but still needs major changes.

I like both but I perfer the old materials since I got too used to it than the new ones.

If custom materials (not surface appearance) do become a thing on roblox soon. Hopefully we can keep the old materials (and older materials) with this feature

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In their current state, these new materials give off Minecraft “realistic” texture pack energy, especially in ShadowMap lighting.

Some before and after images from one of my games:

The current state of the redesigned materials seems to only cater to hyper-realistic styles, which is detrimental for most of my games.

And yet, they simultaneously have done the opposite in some areas by making the slate material a bit cartoony?

Additionally, LeafyGrass was changed to be highly contrasting against its leafless counterpart, which makes games that used it to remove vegetation look silly.

If this stays as-is, please ensure that terrain vegetation control is released first.

If no changes are made to these materials before release, please make them optional (i.e. via a Lighting.LegacyMaterials property, enabled by default on old places) so older games aren’t screwed over by these changes.


You can’t opt in. But you can download roblox studio beta. Also this update doesn’t apply to roblox yet, roblox studio beta only I think

It makes it look like a Minecraft build…

I hope the focus group people are ripping ROBLOX apart about this update right now.

I really don’t want to be in minecraft, and won’t this destroy showcases?
just please no don’t force it


it’s a fair comparison because that degree of customizability should be a priority for game development platforms. Doesn’t matter that Unreal uses a different means to accomplish materials, it’s that they have the tools to avoid the exact predicament we’re facing now. They shouldn’t be pushing an update that does such a degree of damage to work developed in the old style, especially when we’ve always lacked the tooling for greater visual customization. This will affect Every Game On The Platform.


Tedious to set up? Sure. I can get behind that sentiment. But tedious for no reason? Nah that’s awful. Last time I checked other game engines/platforms don’t ship big visual changes that can destroy the appearance of your project without any way to revert it.

For a lot of developers on Roblox this isn’t just a hobby, it’s a job. Time spent working on something quite literally costs money and having to cover the costs of what might be hundreds of hours fixing mistakes they didn’t make is a huge loss. Hundreds of hours is by no means an exaggeration too:

  • Can a color change fix it? Quick and easy.
  • Can I even get the same color as before? Make a new texture per color I can’t get, not quick
  • Did the texture sizing change / direction change? Edits to the build, not quick, potentially needs new textures to be made which is again, not quick
  • Does the new material even look the same? Remake the texture, deal with color variation, not quick

This process for every part, every mesh, every model, and every bit of terrain in my game. Cherry picking my example but in my current project that’s north of half a million parts, an attire color palate that’ll need updating, our day night lighting cycles will need to be adjusted, and we’ll probably need to hire texturing artists to create and iterate on new materials to replace the old ones. On top of this we’ll have to pray that all these new textures even load in for people in the first place and that there won’t be performance implications from all these changes.

The complaints are warranted. There is real consequence to making changes like this and I for one am not looking forwards to the direct cost that’ll come from fixing it, the delays to our timeline because we’ll need to fix a directly visible player facing issue we didn’t create, and the waves of complaints we’ll get from our community until it’s fixed.

I really hope this preview build was super super early along and further iterations will have better parity with the current materials. This is far from an upgrade for me, my team, and our game. While some of these look great, others really really ruin things.

  • Our white brick light house is now red
  • All of our grass is green. Dead grass? Green. All the color variants of green grass no longer look as varied
  • Our old slate rocks that looked pretty rocky now look like low poly blobs textured with dry lake bed chunks.
  • All the metal in our game has been scratched up
  • All of our light colored wood is now dark wood
  • All out fabric is the wrong direction
  • All our wood plank parts no longer line up with the material textures
  • All our brick material parts have the same problem as our wood plank parts
  • And almost all of our colors are darker and wrong

How did you get the part version of the new materials? I only have the original remade ones and the original terrain remade ones.

In the file you downloaded, theres something called robloxstudiobeta.exe, you have to scroll for a bit to find it.

I know that, and I have all the remade materials, but the image I replied to had the part version of terrain materials.

Try re-downloading it, extracting it and opening it again.

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I’ve downloaded and extracted the file. I opened the RobloxStudioBeta.exe file and no new terrain materials or anything shows up.
Any ideas?

I usually use the material list up top, so that’s why I didn’t see any of the others.

Do you mean the brush settings?

Open the Roblxostudiobta.exe file in the file you downloaded. Opening the regular one won’t do it.

I opened it. It asked me to agree to something, so I did that. Nothing new has showed up in materials or anything.

Hm. Try deleting the file and version, downloading it again, extracting it again, and try to start it up.

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Just done it. Still nothing new. I’ve deleted it and downloaded it again and then extracted it. I’m definitely opening the Beta one and not the normal one.

Then I can’t help you. I’m not sure why it doesn’t work.

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It’s fixed now, I re installed it again and it seems to work now.

I checked out the beta. I love most of this. However, There is room for improvement. Here is what I don’t like.

  • Grass. To me, this looks like someone threw grass clippings on the ground. It’s ugly.
  • Fabric looks worse than it did before.
  • Not sure if this is a beta thing or not, but as you move away from Corroded metal, the corrosion gets much more… there.
    image image
  • the colors on cracked lava change, but not really.
  • its the same with grass, you cant quite get it to any shade of blue.
  • no material specific settings :pensive:
  • perhaps lighten wood up a bit
  • probably a beta thing, but parts with meshes look a bit…
  • I do hope there will be a setting for turning the new materials on or off, as forcing this update on everyone and everything will ruin quite a few games

Edit: heres all the materials next to each other for comparison with color