New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

Yanno, Love the update and everything, but I feel like this might take a hit on lower-end PCs unless I’m wrong. But it isn’t really too public yet so. I’m ready to start fiddling around with it.

This is amazing, really can’t wait for this to be enabled.

Can we expect any time soon that we can upload our own terrain materials to the engine/site?

I would also like to see this in my game,

This update is insane !!

I think alot of developers will like this feature ! Especially Showcase developers. I love how the texture have been reworked. I don’t know if the pink model is Fabric but if it’s, i’m very happy to see that fabric is more beautiful. Same for Ice and sand, this is a new step in the realism of Roblox !! Can’t wait for use this new feature

Congratulations to all who worked on this !

By the way, I would like to opt-in
The PlaceID is: 6068896746


Oh my god. It’s amazing! I can’t wait for that! Good luck others dev’s, I think many developers will use that.


Oh my goodness, this is amazing! This is going bring Roblox games to the NEXT level of detail, I am so happy for this update!


I believe you opt in here?

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ain’t no way, truly incredible can’t wait to start using this in studio :open_mouth:

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This is amazing, easily the best update this year (even better than FiB3 in my opinion) but terrain still needs some changes, for example, we really need to be able to manipulate the LoD, which sometimes ruins larger scale terrain. We also need to be able to change the size of terrain voxels, imagine if we could simply make small details sucks as rocks out of terrain, and not have to export them from a different software such as Blender.

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I love this! As a 3d modeller, this makes integrating high-detail models much more viable than before, it will help a lot for realistic environments. Hope to see these materials expand even further!

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This is going to look great in my country-side game! This has to be the best Graphical update they have made!
Keep it up!

I would love to opt in on this!
PlaceID: 5963920696


Christ almighty, this is unbelivable! what a way to wrap up the year!

i’d definitely opt in, my placeId is 5917444304

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Materials I would suggest that should be added to studio.

Here’s my list of material’s (Parts only)





Checkered floor (you can beable to change the White/Black color.)

Tree wood

Wall/Roof/Floor Tiles

Bed sheet





That’s about it but if that’s too much you can decided on what material’s stay and which ones have to go.


This is fantastic, we definitely needed an update like this, I feel like the current textures for the terrain were beginning to show it’s age as updates flies by and time goes on.

Now Imagine if we got wind effects and we could use that on the vegetation…

Absolutely fantastic…

Edit: Didn’t notice the typo until now. :sweat_smile:


Has the update been rolled out to everyone’s Beta features? I haven’t got it in the list yet.

How about adding a carbon fiber material?


Amazing! I look forward to the future on Roblox! It would be very nice if you guys could add this to my testing place :slight_smile:

Place Id: 6107873570

Oops, looks like you couldn’t opt-in lol

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Absolutely INCREDIBLE!
I have been wanting this for YEARS!
A small bit of feedback as always…
Materials have changed into a lot more realistic than before.
How about the fortnite terrain style?
If you can pull of terrain tools which could create this then Roblox would be officially the best thing on this planet.


Just amazing. I can’t say anything else

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I think I can get something good out of this, opt-in.

Place ID: 6107901328


I cannot wait to use these new materials! So many new possibilities!
I would love to Opt-In.
Place ID: 6107957365

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