New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

I would love to opt in for a few of my places.

Place IDs:


This is going to be so nice. Iā€™m doing a lot of terrain design for a dev team Iā€™m on and this will bring our game to the next level!


I would like to opt in! hereā€™s my id: 293229095


I want to opt in please!
ID: 4459593483


Could I opt in please.



Cant wait to try these materials , I would like to opt-in. IDs: 5940486502,5215440029


This update is really cool, cant wait to see it get expanded upon!

I would like this to be enabled on my place, the ID is: 5758774695


I love how these look, I am hoping to use these in some of my future builds!

I would also like to opt-in ID is: 4324564761


We wanted to update the part materials to both allow them to blend better with their terrain counterparts, and also give you broader visual range in the current built-in materials.

Which part materials will specifically be updated to look like the terrain materials?


This is such an improvement! I am absolutely loving this.
If you could add this game (Iā€™m not the owner of the group but an admin. Iā€™ve talked to the owners and we decided to try this feature), Iā€™d really appreciate it. Thank you for always trying to improve the realism aspects of ROBLOX!
Opt in
Place ID: 5990015010

This is amazing!

Opt In

I would like to opt in on this place.

In future could announcements note that they are early in the actual topic? Thereā€™s been confusion about this on quite a few of these announcements now.

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This looks really good. I canā€™t wait to see what people make with these new materials!

I would like to play around with these materials too if possible!

ID: 5959886448

How do I use these new features?

I donā€™t think theyā€™re out yet.

This looks like the future for sure! Iā€™d love a chance to test these features out.

Opt In

ID: 6109948944

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Wow! I am VERY excited. Looks like us builders wonā€™t have to resort to using the toolbox for nice textures anymore :slight_smile:

One thing I would love to see redesigned are our current wood planks. I feel like they would look one hell of a lot nicer if they looked a little more like porcelain wood tiles (something like thisā€¦)

The wood planks we have right now are just eh. I feel like thereā€™s room for some serious improvement. Something like what I displayed above would be a lot more versatile and could really transform some of the builds we currently have with the old planks

Other than that, I think this new update is gonna be pretty sweet. Super excited, to say the least :smirk_cat:


Very nice release!
Hopefully it will pave the way for custom materials as well!

Iā€™d also like to opt-in to beta, for this place!

Terrain martial looks great on those parts shown in the images, Iā€™m very excited to try it out, not to mention the terrain looks better too, if there is one thing I wish about Roblox is it looking more real, the PBR textures helped in a way, but better terrain textures bring more to it. Especially as a builder who likes to try and build showcase worthy stuff (never finish though)

While I mention PBR textures, any plan to make it for normal parts too and not just mesh parts?

Some materials id like to see
glossy smooth look
metallic metal
cloth/ more fabric
more wood textures: wood flooring,

I can probably think of others but thatā€™s all I have at the moment

Iā€™d like to opt in if i can to play around with it

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Whereā€™s the water material at for parts? :eyes:
Seriously though these all look great, and I canā€™t wait to be able to build good looking space fighters out of more than just metal andā€¦ more metal.