New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

Ahhh okay thank you, I didn’t see that lol.


Think a scratched metal would be really nice!

And a larger brick material?

ALSO: The ability to resize the texture image that lays on the parts would be amazing and really helpful.


idk man, Roblox is a pretty limited game engine in comparison to Unity.


I saw those sphere things and automatically thought Death Star.

Anyways, these new materials look very awesome, with the desert thing as my favorite. Are those like waves in the sand? If so, that’s really cool.


This is a step forward to making Roblox a more realistic and open platform! Great feature and hope to see more of these in the future!

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This is by far one of the most amazing updates I have ever seen! Can’t wait to give it a try in my future builds!

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Can someone tell me when this comes out? :face_with_monocle:

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I’d like to know too :rofl: I’m pretty sure they said early next year, which is likely end of January or February.

I can’t wait to test it soon. Now that I think about it, hasn’t it been like 5 or 6 years since they did this big of a material update?

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Yea, it been forever that we’ve been using concrete and cobblestone in dark colors to do realism. *sigh

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The opt-in process is not yet available. Please wait for a further announcement.


We need Leather.
Leather is a must.


Leather and/or cloth is important, actually, yeah. Again, there’s so many situations where this could apply that I haven’t even considered.


This looks awesome!! Can’t wait to see this in my games, takes roblox to a new level. Thanks to the staff members at roblox for making this happen!



Thank you for informing me, I was unaware because I am a new developer forum member!

I don’t mean to come off as rude, but I think this has to be addressed.
Simply adding a few materials, which are already available in preview, shouldn’t take this much time to release, should it? Are there any other features getting added alongside this one? Is simply creating materials taking this long? Making PBR materials like this should take only a few hours, even if we are aiming for high quality. Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t much of a problem because everyone can wait just a few weeks, but it is really stretching the reasonable time this should take (from my point of understanding).
I’d much prefer if instead of this update we would just get the ability to upload our own pbr materials, because the current Surfacematerial can only be applied to meshes, and doesn’t tile, besides being a huge pain to insert and import every single time. This, combined with the very small 1k decal size limit creates a huge limitation to creators, most of whom don’t even realize this. Maybe instead of default materials, have a section in the toolbox/upcoming marketplace that is all dedicated to user-made materials, which can be downloaded and inserted into a game instance.
It might sound like I am undermining the efforts of the development team, and I am sure everyone involved is working their hardest, but considering the things I just said I can’t help but be at least a bit infuriated about the priorities of the platform.

Oh, and yes, a leather material would be nice to have.


do you think of something like carbon fiber should be on roblox? could be great to make cars or armor.

  • Yes
  • Too Ugly

0 voters


We NEED neat large bricks like these:


Another thing we need is a studded floor texture as shown here. It will be really useful for staircases!



I could very well be wrong, but I imagine they’re also increasing the functionality of the voxel terrain alongside this. Just converting all of the materials to a more diverse PBR library also requires more compatibility- you can’t just increase the library and leave it at that. Not to mention, there’s gonna be more detailed transitions between the material types as well, so they also have to plan for that. It’s minor things like this.

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Well, we are getting full grain leather, so I think your wish came true!

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