New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

I’m sorry to be repetitive, but could you please inform those of us who don’t know how to obtain this beta on how we could get it?

This is available on Roblox’s github page


All I got from it was the read me file. How do I get the textures from it?


I just tried the github build and it looks extra hot, though I do have a few complaints/suggestions

  1. plastic material is hardly noticeable under certain lighting conditions. i had to put my camera right next to it for it to show up at all

  1. wood texture shading isn’t smooth, it looks like i just imported a heightmap from minecraft or something

  1. using neutral colours on the grass material shades it green. doesn’t personally affect me or my current builds but i’ve seen games in the past that use white grass for a “snowy grass” effect which could potentially pose issues

considering this is a beta build i’d imagine these issues will be fixed, but still worth it to point them out imo

edit: on a more positive note here’s how one of my builds looks with the beta. apart from the colour tinting (i’d much prefer to do that manually as i stated before) it looks really nice. looking forward to when this is a standard feature

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How do I apply the textures? Could you give me a tutorial

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You should see a section called “releases” at the right of the screen, download the appropriate .zip file for your OS and extract it to wherever on your computer. Inside the .zip you should see the .exe for the Roblox Studio beta

OMG it worked, thank you so much! :grin:

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Alright, so I’ve tried the beta out so far and it’s nice. However, there are some issues

  1. There seems to be pre-defined colors for some of the new materials. This is much more prevalent on the new terrain materials ported over to part materials. Keep in mind all of the parts in this picture lined up here are Medium Stone Grey
  2. For parts like cracked lava or leafy grass, there should be a way to customize the color of finer details, like the lava, or the little grass bits.
  3. Studs strangely only show up as a fuzzy texture on plastic bricks. This also appears on other welding surfaces like universal, inlets, glue, and weld.
  4. Materials like bricks seem to have these weird lines across it.
  5. Wood is too dark. Left to right: Wooden planks, wood, and smooth plastic. All of these have the same brickcolor, pinecone.
  6. What is wrong with terrain pavement?



How did you get it? Is it out right now?

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love the new materials but I think a few things are some things I’d change

the new grass material doesn’t look that grassy I think? In some cases It even looked like the old slate material to me, however the grass featured on the leafy grass does look like grass to me, I don’t know if they’re the same base grass texture being used but something about the leafy grass grass looks a lot better.

the snow also looks more like rock to me? however the snow texture used on terrain I think personally is a perfect visual of snow. would be cool too see possibly the snow from terrain be a part texture

The lava cracks texture also seems a bit dead without an emission on the lava?

the wood texture also seems to have weird dark lines which then kinda make it look wooden planks rather than woodgrain itself

Lastly, I think having texture control, eg: tile size and offset (like the current texture instance) is needed and also having control over roughness and normal map intensity would also be really nice!


this honestly ruins some materials tbh :sad:
the new mats
the old


Looks awesome!! ignores the fact that it might be laggy as hell


Roblox said, There will be no difference between texture performance


They need to add lava glow, like the lava should be glowing and customizable for it’s color instead of just having something like what they have currently.

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Another thing I’ve noticed that people haven’t pointed out is that the new materials use all kinds of resolutions. The most notable imo is CorrodedMetal

Seriously, what the hell is going on here? I’ve seen better consistency in most Minecraft resource packs. This beta obviously isn’t ready for release but I’m sure you can source better textures than this


Bit of a big issue but on lower graphics I tested it at the lowest setting. Some materials dont even look anywhere near how it looks on higher settings or look like there is a material at all.

Sand on highest setting

Sand on lowest setting

Barley even looks like sand at all.
Heres more

Diamond plate on highest setting

Diamond plate on lowest
Doesnt even look like there is a material

From what I know this also effects the plastic, and foil materials. A bit with slate, you can notice it but it’s a bit harder on lowest setting.

Also studs dont appear on the baseplate on highest setting but does on lowest.


Is this currently in studio beta?

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I noticed that aswell. I just thought they did it because some materials needed higher resolutions then others to save on memory.