New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

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Nothing that hasn’t already been said many times over, but I do like the look of the new materials. However, I think they need to be able to co-exist with old materials for compatibility with existing maps or for those who prefer the old materials.

Because all of these textures would have to be downloaded with the client if they are to co-exist at all, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to make all of the replacement materials their own material. I couldn’t think of a good naming convention, but one example would be to add the material WoodPlanks2 or NewWoodPlanks or something like that instead of replacing the existing WoodPlanks material.


I’m assuming they’d probably be named PBR WoodenPlanks or something like that? I do agree with the idea of them coexisting.but maybe with a PBR toggle or something?

Both the old and the new materials have PBR, it’s just the new ones are mcuh more polished and just overall better looking. Perhaps more like:

Wooden Planks
Wooden Planks (Old)

Slate (Old)

They also just released an official announcement about the Beta Build from GitHub: New Terrain and Parts Materials Preview Build! Oh YES!


Loving these materials as I spend more and more time playing with them! Can’t wait until it’s out!

Can you warn us, at least 48 hours, when this change is going to be live? I want to prep Jailbreak so it’s ready as soon as this lands.

I need to repaint some of Jailbreak and it’s a rather large map but I can’t do it now because players will be playing in an oddly colored map until it is out.


Personally don’t think this will happen and for some games, I’ll personally be holding local copies where I’d be working with the new materials to redo the map. Feel like others might need to do it as well.


Quite a few look exactly the same but recolored and slightly more randomly generated.

Slate no longer looks slate-y, It looks like blackstone, which happens to also look like cobblestone. (Starting to get my point?)
The new materials also destroy currently existing layered textures. I have yet to find a way to re-achieve my old cobble/slate mixed sidewalks for destroyed sidewalks.

edit: I realize that my comparisons are a mix of both terrain materials and brick materials, but yeah.

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I honestly feel like this is overkill.

Just give us the current materials, but with PBR elements applied.

The current state of the new textures are ugly and remove the ability for different art styles.

I’m sure everyone would be happy with an option under Workspace or Game Settings where you can choose from a drop down menu which set of Roblox Materials you want- this could even open up the door for the default materials to be interchanged per game.


I love this so much! I would appreciate it if you can enable it in my place.

Place ID: 6465996357

You cannot opt places in, this is currently only a Studio beta.

First off the terrain looks amazing! I think this will allow builders to put more detail into their builds. Overall great job and I can’t wait for this to get released!

I would also like to Opti-In!

Game ID: 6466041679

The old materials already have PBR, the new ones are just more advanced.

You cannot opt-in. Please refer to above comments.

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We need a method for retrieving terrain materials and part materials separately. Because Enum.Materials:GetEnumItems() returns ALL materials for Terrain AND BaseParts. Before this update we could have a table with all the materials that were exclusively terrain materials and ignore them when iterating through the enum items. However, this will make that list even bigger and impractical to store since once this update or future update of the same sort come out it will break scripts that use a table for exclusive part or terrain materials.

Summary: We need either a new Enum type, a new value added to the enum types, or a method for retrieving the materials for each type. This update shows that we need a method for forward compatibility or else scripts will be broken every time an update comes out that introduces new materials.

I currently can’t do this, making large changes to the map for each update to support each feature. Doing it twice is unrealistic.

They know when the flag is going live, they can announce it.


This is AMAZING i love it

i love the lava one it looks so GOOD i actually want this great job.

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WOW this is just amazing !!!

I joined DevForum recently and i can’t stop finding better and better things.

I can’t wait what will users make with this new amazing terrain and materials.

This looks amazing, Roblox is getting closer to Unreal Engine once again.

Congratulations :wink:


What game is that? Like in the first link, it looks really cool! Hmu

Im not sure where does that image come from but i found it here: Richer Terrain Materials

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From the image, if I had to take a guess, I’d say Legend of Zelda; Breath of the Wild. The trees and grass appear to be very similar to that of the game. Although, this could be Roblox, even though I highly doubt it.