New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

as a person who also builds almost completely in this style, i wish i didn’t have eyes right now
seriously though, although i don’t really mind it as much, it does look like the style has completely changed and not in a good way

Any update Roblox makes has people split. That’s why it’s important to make huge updates like this mostly optional, as it can create a huge divide between people, and its effects can be unwanted. Why not release it as a bundle of decals or a togglable settings feature?

Plus, it’s important to ask ourselves a question. Is this whole revamp even needed? For the most part, we are in a comfortable place with the current materials, plus the huge catalog of textures in the library. And even if some people (including myself) feel that the relatively small amount of textures can be limiting, I don’t want a full revamp of the textures I’ve already grown to love. No, I’d rather have Roblox just mix them in with the current ones since that would be easier and more convenient than having to reshape my builds around a new set of textures.


Practically nobody was clamoring for this, they wanted new additional materials and custom materials.

SurfaceAppearance already works on meshparts, so there’s no good reason why they haven’t made it work for other types of parts. This is literally them appealing to stockholders with “pretty graphics”.


Change for the sake of change is no good change at all, improve them or dont touch them plz

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I downloaded the github zip file for windows, how do I get it into studio?

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Despite all the criticism in this topic, I like the change. I’ve been waiting for this for a while! I plan on designing my new “debut” game using these materials. I feel like they look a lot more realistic and modern.

I just hope Roblox fixes the terrain water!

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Old Materials:

New Materials:

I like them, as additions to the current materials, but not as replacements. That’s a step too far and I would rather have no new materials as to having the current ones replaced by the “improved” ones.

If that’s too much to ask then, I really got no words…


This whole thing backfired because the textures were updated rather than added


Follow-up reply showing what my game looks like with the new materials.

In case it wasn’t already obvious, this update will completely ruin the aesthetic of the game. The diamond plate material looks hideous, and so does the fabric material. The interiors for both trains and the restaurant look horrendous now, and the flooring used for the maintenance facility is awful.


I think you should push this update first before changing all of the materials. The ability to choose different textures for materials is a great idea and would make it so developers don’t have to forcibly update their game to match their style. They can just reupload the older materials and use them again.

I also believe that having the ability to use multiple variants of one material in a game would also be game changing.


Roblox, please stop sniffing your own farts. They’re going to your head.



I spend hours getting rock, slate, cobble, sandstone, and asphalt to all play nice and they looked great. Now all of these materials are doing their own totally different thing.

So much for cobble! It’s been totally reduce to no more than a fancy pavement only slightly better than the smooth brick variant.

Grass looks like it belongs to Gmod, not roblox.

Sand sticks out.
Rock is purple, yay!

Seriously, what are you guys thinking?
These updates don’t just just require some manually work, they totally call for a THIRD remaster of my place.

Spend seven years on a single showcase, and hours of blending your terrain together and making it interesting…

  • Please Roblox, I rather have longer load times than forced to suffer a update that’s a downgrade for everything I’ve done on this platform.

Thank you guys so much, I love this update and how pointless it is to enforce new materials over us!

(Please forgive me for my aggressive and brash behavior, but something has to be said. This update is nothing but trouble. NOTHING but trouble.)

((IT will not kill you guys to make new textures a opt into feature. IF I want new textures, allow me to do it. NOT ENFORCE IT.))


Looks so much better. Dunno why people hating on it.

No, this whole thing backfired because of how they are planning to force the update on every single developer. It can change games in good ways or bad ways. If they weren’t going to force the update it would of probably not of gotten this much hate as it does now.


Literally everybody was talking about this for months leading up to it and we all got ghosted.

I don’t even think there’s a chance of this getting reverted.


Oh… now I see what all the hate is about… everything is SO SMOOTH IT LOOKS LIKE JELLO.

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Sorry if this is a dumb question but will custom material-based footstep sound scripts break because of this update?

I’m asking about this one in particular since this is a really good example of what I’m talking about:


Finally someone agrees with me!

This is what I was trying to say in another post, but anonymous didn’t understand or said roblox doesn’t have to be in a certain style, but I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about the materials style and how it’d affect games.


An example of this is the sand material, it looks deeper and has these weird white specs which roblox was probably trying to make that look like pebbles / rocks. With this new material, we cannot make beds, clothing, chalk boards or really anything with accomplishing the same style we expected. Now it’s different, and roblox is rolling this out optional or not, we need to be heard.


Sorry for not explaining it right, I just think the materials are too different to be replacing the current ones, that’s all.

pretty sure this only affects the textures

Yes finally! I won’t have to rely on textures as often as I use to.