New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

Just ran a script on my project to see how many parts I would have to find a way to fit to the new textures.

The answer is 85468. Roblox, please, tell me again how this is reasonable.

For anyone interested in trying as well, here’s the quick code I wrote. It will give you the number of items in your workspace that are a basepart or any class descending from it, you just have to copy-paste it in the console (output view).

local descendants = workspace:GetDescendants()
local count = 0

for _, item in pairs(descendants) do
	if item:IsA("BasePart") then
		count = count + 1


You still wouldn’t have PBR materials. Just a simple texture, and it doesn’t look all that good.

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you could always try to make a texture out of all the old materials

These new materials are great, but completely replacing the old ones isn’t a good idea. Many others have shown how it negatively changed their game, and now I’m going to show some examples from mine.

Here’s some cheese!

A block of pebbles?

Some smooth looking potions

Now they look like rocks

This pipe is a darkish gray
Screen Shot 2021-06-02 at 8.50.20 PM
Now it’s white
Screen Shot 2021-06-02 at 8.49.55 PM

This pedestal looks golden

Now it looks like it’s made out of rocks

If it was possible to keep them as their old textures, this wouldn’t be a problem. The new and old textures both have a place.


Well… Yes… The material is called “Pebble”. Why would you imagine it should work for cheese? You’re using the incorrect material for the job and then complaining when it doesn’t work. The only reason you could get away with it this long is because of how inaccurate the materials actually were.

Not to mention it didn’t even look like cheese to begin with. Just a speckled block.


This post has similar textures to the old ones.

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you’re missing the point. a lot of versatility got stripped out so we could have mildly improved, mostly worse textures.

maybe in certain specific scenarios it looks really cool. but outside of that, you may be forced to sort through endless maps and endless parts to find every place where roblox degraded the look of your game… just to replace it with a slightly different, still muddy texture.

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You are right, the new material is a lot better. Even though the new one is a lot better for it’s intended purpose, the old ones are useful too. None of new materials can look as close to cheese. If the old materials were still useable with the new ones, I could just revert it to the old one. When this update releases, I’ll have to either make my own texture for it or find a material for it.

Which is what you should do! You’ll end up with something that looks a hell of a lot closer to actual cheese than using a pebble texture. There are lots of free PBR texture sites out there, I’m sure you can find something. Besides, it’ll also give your game a much more unique look and feel the more custom materials you use.


Textures cause performance loss, and we don’t have the ability to make custom materials yet for terrain or parts.

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note that they’re removing old textures because of performance loss.

Yet here they are, adding even more textures.

These new materials look pretty nice! Although, I do think that some adjustments could be made.
The textures would probably look better and pop out better with stronger bump/normal maps and more rough texture, along with being scaled up a bit.
For example, the grass textures:



I feel that the grass texture would look perfect with a larger scaled texture and slightly more distinct bumps, similar to what is seen in the old material. It’s probably just me, but the new texture looks a bit like the old slate material to me in a way…
Regardless, super hyped to see what custom materials have to offer! :slight_smile:


As much as new materials are great, many of them don’t actually look any better than the old ones, or have many of the exact same issues as the old ones do.

Not to mention FORCING all games to use the new ones with absolutely no community feedback on the issue? This will make many games, especially old ones, incredibly weird and ugly.

Hopefully surfaceappearance and other such tools will make undoing these changes easy, because there is literally no other solution for some games.


Nope they are totally different :neutral_face:

the after looks way better than the before lol

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Metal too, not the sand though. Wood looks nice. Sand is ruined D:

thats to you, not the person who has decided the style of the game and wishes for it to be a specific way

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As the maker of that map it’s not designed to look smooth and plastic like. The rocks are ment to look extremely rough and none of the new materials provide such a roughness.


Uh oh, i hope they don’t really do it, because some old materials are good, and if they are erased, this will affect most of the builds i did that has old materials